27 Reviews
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Another American made netflix nonsense.
1 January 2024
I didn't get past the intro. I'm British my grandfather and grandmother fought in WW2. Britain was bombed over and over in the blitz. Great Britain fought in WW2 as long as anyone and we was a massive part of how the war was won. Not one mention of Great Britain in the intro. Utter disgrace. Forgot it was America who won the war. They couldn't even beat Japan without nuking them. Great Britain was the ones who sent thousands of fighter bomber on night raids we was the one who made the dam busters. How is this new I've seen the same footage over and over from god knows how series on world war 2.
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Flipping Bangers (2017– )
Never be able to fix cars these 2
10 December 2023
I've been repairing my own cars for many years and it is impossible to skim a head for £35 pound like these have many times. Water pumps and timing belts £45 pound in 1970 maybe. If you honestly believe to can sell some of the cars these 2 have repaired in state they sell them for the price they say there getting. Never happen. The only way there making there living like they say on every episode is from it being on a tv channel cause no one with a brain would pay the price they say there getting. There buying banger and selling bangers. The paint job they did on in the Porsche in the first and pretty much all the other rattle can paint jobs are a disgrace. And there getting good money. At the very least be honest with how much the parts cost and how much it costs to get machine shops to do the work.
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The Capture (2019– )
I find it unbelievable
25 September 2022
Series one was pretty good and thats understatement. If this is even half true and I can believe it 100% is true with the way are governments treat there own people. But what I can't understand and find it truly ridiculous. Is season 2. Why would my own country the uk need China or USA as there trying to make out. To make face Recognition. Why can't we make are own. Are we truly that pathetic of a country now after years out sourcing everything and paying through nose and taxing the uk pubic more then any other country in world. We are incapable of doing anything on are own. The great in Great Britain as truly gone.
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I can accept it for what it is. BUT
25 August 2022
It's on Disney+ so it's not going to have a movie budget. So the CGI is going to be less. But what I can't stand is to make a big deal about the show and then make it 30 minutes long and waste 2 minutes of that showing the last episode and then make it 8 episodes like everything on Disney+. Utter crap.
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How have they not cancelled this
2 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Netflix cancels really good series and this keeps going. They are not car builders. Every pair of gloves are brand new never shows them doing any real work. And they are the worst actors I've ever seen. £250.000 grand for probably the worst car and bike I've ever seen. He opens the door and wobbling all over and they think it's worth £250.000 grand. This show a joke and can't imagine how real car makers feel.
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Blue Bloods (2010–2024)
I honestly can't work out why
28 June 2022
I've put this show off for years. But I thought Id finally give it a watch and the first few episodes was really good gritty like it was going in a way you might believe and all I can think it was getting big numbers and what happened is what always happens and the nanny state got hold of it and make it lame as arse so it watchable for everyone and tripe to most.
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I don't get some reviews.
21 June 2022
I don't understand all the bad reviews. What is it they was expecting. You go to see a movie about dinosaurs living with humans and when you get what it says on the tin it's bad. I can't understand what it is they wanted to see. It as great effects great action the bio lab was one to many for me. But still a good movie. If you go watch a movie about dinosaurs and you get dinosaurs don't moan about.
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SEAL Team: My Life for Yours (2019)
Season 2, Episode 21
Where did the helmets go
31 May 2022
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Im pretty sure helmets and night vision goggles cost quite a bit of money and helmets are for head protection yet the land with there helmets and the next thing no helmets anywhere to been seen and wouldn't fit in there bags. Not even getting to horses that just purely idiotic.
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SEAL Team (2017–2024)
Love this show one best still going. BUT
27 May 2022
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It's a really good series I'm not a seal or in marines so can't say if it's anything like real life for them but it make me imagine how there life could be. Not many shows do that. But I find really hard to believe that man who as 2 kids and his wife dies that he keeps risking his life to leave them with no parents at all. When there's plenty of other job can do to help his men and still look after his 2 kids. I don't believe anyone could do that to his kids when he clearly loves them.
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The Rookie: Day in the Hole (2022)
Season 4, Episode 22
Can anyone explain what happened to this show
16 May 2022
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I used to love this show but from the 3rd and especially the 4th it's like everyone is on acid. If this is really what the police is like in America and LA people must be cuing up to start a new life in crime. I feel sorry for the real police force in America they must be turning in the graves especially the ones who have paid with there life's. It's disgrace to all law enforcement. Why did 2 bad guys follow nolan's girlfriend she was driving past them. How did they know she was his girlfriend or have anything to do with anything.
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Firestarter (2022)
When zac become so hard up he'd do anything for money.
13 May 2022
Steven king writes awesome story's and they kill them in films. This is truly Crap with a capital C. If you can't make it better then the first try don't bother.
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After 30 minutes I realised the negative comments are nonsense
13 May 2022
Seriously getting sick of people leaving negative reviews about really good movies. Let's start with this. ITS NOT REAL. Why cant people just take movies for what they are. A made up movie. It's not a true life story a documentary. It's from a comic book. It's very entertaining and a very good movie. End of. Whoever watched this obviously didn't watch it at all. Cause to say strange isn't in this movie is a joke.
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Cuckoo (II) (2012– )
Cant stand it when they change good actors
10 May 2022
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Series 1 is brilliant then Adam leaves and they change Racheal to someone who isn't acting like the first one. Thought actors are meant to act like a character so why is so hard to act the same as the last Racheal. Not totally change her personality.
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The Rookie: Simone (2022)
Season 4, Episode 19
Who ever as took over this series needs to go
27 April 2022
This was a series a looked forwarded to watching if the 4th series is the future of what's to come there won't be a full 5th series and definitely not a 6th. Whoever took over this series as killed it. It's turned into a joke instead of being interesting and something that resembled real life or as much as a tv series could.
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Star Trek: Discovery (2017–2024)
Start out really good but my god it's now pathetic
11 March 2022
Never have been so bored to death of hearing stupid speeches. Every 10 minutes there's a big speech about what there going in to and how important it is. Yeah yeah we got after 50th speech we didn't need another 100. Make a sci-fi program not political bull crap.
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I See You (II) (2019)
Don't understand how thick film makers think we are
8 March 2022
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Why is it in every film where they put a plastic over your head to kill you not one person bites the bag or brakes it with the fingers. People are pretty clever I'm pretty sure it's the first Thing I would do.
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The Last Kingdom (2015–2022)
I love the series at least you learn something watching it
28 February 2022
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I've watched 3 times upto now and it's just has good every time. But I can understand times was very different in that age but they've gone way to far with the snipping and Animosity. I understand god is a very important part of peoples lives but if you have someone who as saved your life and kid from death and many other life's you just wouldn't treat him like a enemy. It's not believable and how a close family just decides that his father in law who he's only known for a few years means more to them then there own mother sister when there so much deceit in the program.
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Peacemaker (2022– )
Pretty good.
25 February 2022
Really need to stop putting actors in glasses if your not going to check if the green screen is visible in them. Nearly every shot the green screen is visible in the reflection of there glasses.
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FBI (2018– )
If this is how the fbi or police really work
24 February 2022
I like show so really stupid episodes but most are good. But I've got to say if this is how the fbi and police work in America something needs to be done. Every single time they find who there looking for is walking towards them they shout FBI and someone gets shot or they run off or something bad happens. It might be good idea not to shout there name or it's the FBI. Just walk up and grab them save life's and a lot of work.
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Reacher (2022– )
Yes yes yes.
5 February 2022
Please don't cancel this after 1 season. There's so many good series being made and cancelled. This good from start to finish. This is a great series and is about time this was made.
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FBI: Under Pressure (2022)
Season 4, Episode 12
Come on
3 February 2022
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She says the bomb is going to blow up half the city so she risks her life and the bomb goes off and it would of barely blown a block. At least use cgi so it looks like it would took after the city but they couldn't do that cause she was 30 feet away and still live. Really bad and I loved this series when it first started.
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Big Sky (2020–2023)
I don't think I even know what to say about it
14 January 2022
I can't understand how this was made or got past the first episode. There is pretty famous actors in this and all I can think is was paid a ridiculous amount of money. What I really can't believe is they made a second series. How on earth did they get Disney to sign off on that.
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137 Shots (2021)
18 December 2021
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The police officer who stood on the bonnet who was scared to death and was traumatised by Iraq and losing his friends. Is sat on the PlayStation playing war game.
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Titans (I) (2018–2023)
First series the best
14 December 2021
I've give 7 stars for the first series. The second is boring with superheroes woffling on about nonsense instead of being superheroes. The 3rd series as been written by 10 year old year old at best. This must of cost millions and millions and this is the best they could. Find someone who can write a good story.
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It's a great fantasy for sure BUT
9 December 2021
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It's great film apart from 5 minutes of utter stupidity in writing and directing. Who or how or why does one no see that they make him go to sleep so they have every opportunity to just kill him or chop his arm off or anything they want to stop him. Why would no one think that's a ridiculous thing to put in the movie. Just really gets on my nerves.
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