
2 Reviews
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Oats Studios: God: Serengeti, Chicago (2017)
Season 1, Episode 4
Ignorant and negative view on God.
10 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I understand why people like to blame God for just about everything under the sun and so concepts like this reveal a tyrannical omnipotent being that goes out of his way to torture us for its own amusement. However, I would also like to point out that at the same time those same people are taking away every beautiful thing that has ever happened in the universe as all we can think about is our own suffering and how "important" that is. We are selfish and project our selfishness and hate on to God but take all the credit for everything we have built and for all of our knowledge we have gained, like we aren't just apes progressing through evolution that will one day fizzle out. And if you ask why even make us then I would say God didn't make us, at least not directly, but rather we are the product of a long chain of events kickstarted by God, maybe even a multiverse of individual universes containing all the good and all the bad possible through infinite iterations. My point is that instead of imaging God as all the worst parts of ourselves, maybe we should look at the selfishness and hubris of thinking God would come easy for us to understand, while also denying the appreciation for its creation because we suffer.
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Oats Studios: Cooking with Bill (2017)
Season 1, Episode 3
How does no one understand??SPOILERS
10 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I get that at face value each of the infomercials looks like just another version but increasingly more gross, but if you take a second to actually break down what you are watching it becomes a totally different experience. Each infomercial is a jab at society and how little we care in the face of profit. First, was the chainsaw that was clearly dangerous and yet they were still selling it after what happened. Second, was a jab at meat industry and how it looks pretty when we eat it, but most couldn't watch the slaughter happen face to face or dare to face the smell of death. The third was about how plastic can be found in many products and yet it is still sold to the consumer. I won't spoil the last one, but I don't understand how everyone just looked past the messages being sent by each iteration. I went into watching this show with a "Black Mirror" mentality so right away I started picking up on what they were trying to say. I wouldn't say it is done beautifully, but it is definitely not 3/10.
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