13 Reviews
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Mr. Miao (2020)
Almost a masterpiece
1 December 2023
Mr Miao could have done with a better title.

This film has Middling animation quality and some excellent effects, the music is beautiful throughout, and the visual style is a miss marsh of various other names of animation leaning heavily on studio ghibli. The characters move in a typical wuxia fashion and the action scenes, though lacking the tight animation to really punch, are well directed despite this.

The real strength of Mr Miao though is its plot and characters. The story is cosmic in scope and it's ambiguous morality is unique. The cast of characters is diverse and you empathize with almost every single one of them. Although there are many clichés, the constant questioning that the heroes are doing the right thing or that it serves any purpose really adds to the gravitas that these are people making choices rather than puppets, which the film promptly flips on its head at the very end in a highly intelligent way.

Besides the lacking animation quality, the film does lose a little bit of pace halfway through but it regains it towards the end, and admittedly the whole thing could have been 20 minutes longer.

All in all I can't fathom why this film is so poorly rated, it's one of the best animated features I've seen in a very long time, and it reminds me of Zhang Yimou's Hero, which is as flattering a comparison as I can make.

I love this film and I think if it had a blockbuster budget then it would have been a critical success.
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Men (2022)
By far the strangest thing I've ever seen in my life
22 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Now I've seen some strange things, I love 70s Japanese films, the work of Charlie Kaufmann, Cat Soup, hell I could even stomach The House That Jack Built (though that bit in Neon Demon where the mortician molests a cadaver was a bit much for me).

But Men, Men takes the cake.

What starts as a fascinating premise and a interrogative look at the experience of a woman in a primarily emotionally abusive relationship, with some beautiful cinematography and sound design, puts you in a world in which things just aren't quite right. But that world just sort of isn't right, it has no coherent internal logic, decent characters are not used, and what could have been a fascinating exploration of the horrors of a woman experiencing the structural injustices of male power, indifference, ignorance, and malevolence, devolves into the most ridiculous display of poor writing and a complete lack of oversight over the script, which indicts both the writer and those financing the production.

I liked Ex Machina, and I sort of love Annhilitaion, so I had very high hopes coming and even after the first thirty minutes. So when things went bad, I wasn't prepared for the nosedive this film took.

The horror sequences were poorly paced, and the protoganist comes across as both too strong to end up dead, whilst also simultaneously brain-dead enough to just watch bad things happening.

When the guy gets his hand cut, I mean, that was alright, it's a horror movie after all, but the men giving birth to each other, who could possibly think that was a good idea? It became increasingly excessive and the conclusion felt like the punchline of a bad joke, and all I felt at the end was disappointment that such a good start ended strangely, and so poorly.
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Silk (2007)
A timely erotic fantasy
26 April 2022
With a beautiful score and some incredible cinematography, Silk communicates an industry in it's time. The geopolitics and economics of the silk industry is shown to us, and it is made fascinating even if you know nothing about it.

Although some heavy-handed dialogue and a propensity towards the saccharin sensual is present throughout, make no mistakes, Silk shows you things as they are, life as it quite possibly was. Good drama this might not be, but a good portrait it certainly is, and having seen plenty of English, French, and Japanese films, I can say I was thoroughly impressed by this film, and you should watch it.
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A treat for the senses
28 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Many movies have excellent scenes in them, shots that stick in the mind. Some films have strong soundtracks, that evoke time and place. Few combine the two as excellently as Michael Collins. The instrumental stabs that accompany fire, the panicked Irish pipe that enters as abruptly as raiding British soldiers, and lone female vocalist as a bride is jilted by death. Moments like this are rarely achieved in cinema, and if this movie had been made with a higher quality camera and some stronger casting choices it would have went down as one of the greatest films ever made.
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Samurai Jack (2001–2017)
The greatest show of all time
25 December 2015
Samurai Jack has it's limitations. Some gimmicky shots, repetitive structures, self-satirising techniques that verge on the bizarre, and some episodes with so much potential that only disappoint. That being said, Samurai Jack also attempts something that no other show attempts: the timelessness of the journey, the many forms life takes, the humour, isolation, and scale of the world.

SJ's episodes can feasibly be watched in any order, there are no tacky developments as the writer runs out of ideas, no gaining of new powers, no new plot dynamics. Each episode tells a different story, where Jack undergoes a new trial, in a new environment, engaging with new characters. There are recurring characters, the Scotsman being the third under Aku, but on the whole this is about Jack exploring a world, remembering his history, experiencing the new and realising the importance of everything from his sword, his clothes, his shoes, and even the necessity of his enemy and something to struggle against.

Over the course of SJ Jack's relationship with Aku develops subtly, so that over time we come to realise how weak Aku really is, as well as cowardly, and how willing Jack is to indulge him. In many ways they are closer than they seem, the stereotype of the noble warrior and the evil enemy dissolves as we see the mockery Jack engages in, the sadism Aku revels in, the concessions they both make and how close each comes reveals the weaknesses of each, so that two characters that at first appear superficial, reveal surprising degrees of humanity.

The world of SJ is epic in scope, taking in as many clichés that it plays with, mimics, subverts, and incorporates in many ways to whatever end, striking the strongest balance when it appropriates the best and disregards the worst. It isn't always a balance SJ gets right, and as far as consistency SJ isn't the go-to show, but for ambition and occasional startling originality, Samurai Jack competes toe to toe with the epic poetry of old, and sometimes possesses an incredibly mature and literary quality.

But it is this inconsistency which adds to SJ's appeal, some episodes function as action shows, others as comedy, others as domestic drama, horror, short stories, exploration of environment, allegories. I can't name a show which attempts to do the same. Animation lost something important with Samurai Jack, and as a grown man I keep on hoping something will come to take it's place, but we'll see. If Jack teaches you anything it's that the struggle never ends; until it does, abruptly and unfairly.
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Does nothing new
14 December 2015
I went into this film without expectations and have ten minutes I already knew what would happen and when, even scene by scene it was transparent what would happen and I found myself preempting the events from start to finish. It is supposed to be about a woman who is progressive and educated but she thinks of nothing but her man, with seemingly nothing original to say and who sets herself up to be disappointed constantly. The film is not badly acted, not badly scored, not badly shot, but so contrived that every scene felt like I'd watched it before a dozen times, and so by the end I was exhausted with repetition. This is a waste of your time if you have seen any other war romance, don't bother watching it.
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Numbers Game
10 May 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Robert Redford is willing to sacrifice hundreds of millions for the lives of billions, the 'good guys' are willing to kill hundreds to save the lives of those hundreds of millions. Both are playing a numbers game, the only difference is that Redford's is on a bigger scale and isn't hypocritical, he acknowledges the human cost, the 'good guys' treat the hundreds of soldiers they kill (and the many civilian casualties resulting from their lavish tactics) simply as necessary to get the job done. This is a fight of visionaries against hypocrites, and hypocrites win. An awful message, an awful movie. It also has the standard 'just in the nick of time' tropes, ridiculous and impossible fight scenes, a frankly annoying score and the ever-loathable Samuel L Jackson.
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Her (2013)
An Error
9 September 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Samantha says that her feelings for Phoenix are not based on an intellectual reason. Feelings, that is, emotions, are electrical and chemical impulses in the brain that exist due to evolutionary processes. Any AI will invariably be logic-based. AI will not have feelings. There would be no such human-AI relationship that was based on none- intellectual reasons. The basis of the movie is erroneous.

Despite this Her was funny, touching where it wasn't cheesy (Alan Watts was a very forced addition) and interesting, but still based on a fundamentally flawed idea. A bold ambition, but Jonze clearly hadn't the intellectual fortitude to see it through to it's logical conclusions. I still recommend it though, for entertainment and artistic, if not intellectual value.
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I'm Still Here (I) (2010)
A Strange Film, And, By Extension, A Strange Life
15 August 2014
At first I thought this film was about Phoenix trying to fool the world into thinking he was becoming a rapper, but about halfway through it seemed that Phoenix was playing a character that wanted to fool the world and was failing. His behaviour becomes increasingly erratic and volatile as he makes himself and everyone around him look like an idiot. I don't know what kind of person could put so many other people through such uncomfortable situations for the sake of a film, and laugh in the face of a public who genuinely think a great actor has been lost (for whatever reasons) and has turned into a bit of a prick, but although the film is made at the expense of the public, Phoenix's acquaintances and Phoenix's figure, I considered this movie worthwhile, if only to point out that it's all an act really, just some are better at acting.
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Rope (1948)
A Straw Man Argument
27 June 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I'm not going to deal with usual cinema fare in this review, the acting, cinematography, music and pacing are irrelevant insofar as I'm concerned, what matters is the strength of the argument. This film is seemingly opposed to the idea of Friedrich Nietzsche's concept of the 'Overman', two men perform a murder believing themselves to be such beings (though the scared man's performance in this regard is very unconvincing) and then hold a dinner party to show they can get away with it. Ignoring the fact that the corpse would likely empty it's bowels and the gig would be up, so to speak, and that very much of the movie was contrived, the fact remained that at the end this films sentiment that no such hypothetical 'Overman' is beyond the constraints of any posited good or evil was not dealt with to any extent whatsoever. The discoverer of their plot makes claims of right, 'What right' did they do this thing by? Well if the writer understood Nietzsche in the slightest he would recognise that Nietzsche has no such conception, putting all things down to stemming from power, and that this murder would simply be an expression of power, which it basically was, having no other motive. To talk about 'rights' with someone who does not believe in such things is sophistry pure and simple, there is no logical defence against the argument, merely an attempt to appeal to the emotions of the audience, and as our killers have no chance to respond, this poor defence is the final word and the sheepish audience goes 'Yup, case closed, murder be bad.' This film is akin to the priest who lectures on God's behalf and because no one comes along to challenge him he feels reinforced in his own sentiment, but rest assured, this film does not challenge Nietzsche as a thinker or anything resulting from his work, it may demonstrate that the two men in this movie fail to satisfy the demands of being defined as hypothetical 'Overmen' because they were caught, but to demonstrate that one fruit tree does not produce fruit does not mean all fruit trees are as impotent. Also, resulting to 'Yeah, but Hitler thought that as well' is a merely childish response.

This movie was awful, thinking otherwise is to admit to having no knowledge of nihilistic philosophy or adherence to any consistent system of logic. Sometimes I get the impression that Hitchcock is so revered simply out of nostalgia, I've seen quite a few of his movies and none are particularly impressive, this one was just the icing on the cake.
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The Way Back (I) (2010)
A Very Ambitious Film
9 June 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Mostly with this site I just vote 1 to lower the vote the most I can or vote 10 to heighten it the most I can but in this case I feel compelled to vote fairly.

The Way Back was a very ballsy film that fell sadly short in many ways. The caricatureish aspects of many of the characters made it less believable and sometimes the acting felt a little hollow. The makeup was consistently great and gave the impression of the ravages the environment was doing. Pacing was a little inconsistent, when they escaped hardly a deal was made of it and it just sort of happened without build-up, along with a variety of other scenes that seemed abrupt. I like how low they sometimes resort, when they are eating the wolves' kill raw and drinking water out of mud I got a very strong impression of how much they were willing to do but you rarely see psychological results, they are beaten done, but they never seem shaken or disturbed by the ordeal, just very very tired, and sometimes even that doesn't increase over time, how the old man was about to give up and then didn't was a bit silly. My biggest problem for bullshit was the bit where the girl died and she went out without a whimper, just laying down at a convenient time and dying, she would suffer under those conditions and by those causes, dehydration is not a peaceful way to die. The movie could have done with being an hour longer in terms of character development and less images of scenery with sort-of dramatic and samey music, and the way it took so long to leave Russia and then they were through Mongolia and Tibet with ease, culminating in events with feet on them to show the remainder. Now I understand they couldn't have shown the whole journey but it was pretty sloppily done. By extension it needed a far larger budget and Colin Farrell's Russian accent was weak. I also consider the fact there was no sexual aspect to the group and the female incredibly historically inaccurate considering general views of women, things that were happening in the world at the time and the sheer mental deterioration that would result from such a trip.

All in all this was a very ambitious film, I was impressed, it was damn sentimental, poorly paced and could have done with more financial oomph but it's rare to see a film try such an ambitious mode of storytelling, journeys are rarely done well and rarely attempt truth to the harsh realities of travelling by foot in much of the world, but this film tried, and it didn't quite survive the trip.
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25 September 2013
Warning: Spoilers
It's Russell Brand talking about how he was on the news for something unfunny he did that people got offended about for an hour and a bit, for some reason he takes pride in this but he's not clever, offensive or funny, I just felt sort of awkward watching him do silly things and then the crowd laughing and I thought how pathetic it is to laugh at someone simply because they're famous and you don't want to feel like you've wasted your money, it was honestly too painful to watch and I wouldn't subject yourself to such false-confidence and attention seeking, it's ever so sad. That's all I really had to say about it but the review has to be longer than ten lines so this is now ten lines.
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Insidious (I) (2010)
The Worst Movie I've Ever Seen
16 September 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Now I'm not saying it's the worst movie hands down but many movies that are worse than this one don't receive as much attention and almost realise themselves how awful they are, Insidious fails to do this and the fact that it completely mocks the horror movie genre as a whole lands it as the worst movie that humanity has ever spawned.

So let's look at what happens: nobody dies, nobody is really particularly injured, there's a single instance of blood from a handprint that is neither that of the child nor that of the demon, there is some random system of underworlds that is designed solely for this movie that neither makes sense nor is particularly original, half way through these two guys come in who are ghost detectors and they're pretty much a comedy duo, throughout much of the movie the woman is the main character but then at the end for no reason in particular the man takes centre stage after having been barely in it to turn the movie into an action movie, the final showdown being a fist fight (Yes, A FIST FIGHT) with the demon, who apparently wants to cause mass destruction but can't beat a guy who works out too much at fisticuffs. It wasn't scary, it wasn't believable, it wasn't interesting, it was a constant parody of itself and I couldn't help but feel a little bit awful after I had watched it. Seriously, please, please don't buy this movie.
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