
13 Reviews
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Surprisingly good film
3 May 2023
When checking out the preview and the average score for this movie, I had serious doubts. A low-budget Sci-Fi film with a preview that doesn't entice usually end up as poor fare.

At times the lighting was iffy, the graphics decent but not blockbuster, and the internal ship sets seemed a bit cramped; but a solid story with pretty good acting cancel out the minor flaws. Also, the pacing should be noted as excellent. At no point did my attention waver.

Space Wars: Quest for the Deepstar delivers in its quest for entertainment. I recommend that all Sci-Fi fans give this movie a chance like I did.
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Deus (2022)
Not completely awful
16 September 2022
The first half of the film is definitely a chore to watch but it does get somewhat better in the second half.

The main things about Deus that suck include most of the dialog, some of the actors, some of the set design (for example: hexagon shaped doors), and the terrible accent for the computer AI. Also, the ending felt a little abrupt.

The graphics are pretty good and the story itself isn't terrible.

Claudia Black is, of course, the films saving grace.

Considering how awful most low budget movies have been lately, this one is entertaining.

If you can manage the first half, it turns out to not be a waste of time.
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The Sandman (2022– )
Mopey emo god of dreams sulks his way through some kind of fantasy adventure
6 August 2022
Changing the characters to fit our modern times doesn't bother me except when they left out changing the protagonist of the story. In a way, it is a bit fitting the Sandman doesn't fit with our modern time considering the plot. This doesn't make him likeable in any way, though.

In reality, the character Sandman is Neil Gaiman's "Mary Sue", which is a bit sad considering the Sandman is considered premier storytelling.

I kept expecting the Sandman to break out in song and sing "Friday I'm In Love" by the Cure, hang out at a mall with no money, or ruin the vibe at a party by being a constant downer.

Although the visual effects are pretty cool looking, at least.
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Moonhaven (2022)
11 July 2022
I was hating this show for the first 50 minutes or so until it dawned on me that it's about a cult on the moon. Wokeness seems to be a conscious plot device by the writers and is not just pandering to our times, I hope. I must mention that I am for "wokeness" in general but every show and film trying to be disneyesque is tiresome and trite.

The comments from the characters in the show about Utopia, Orwell, etc may be foreshadowing of what is to come and that the show will evolve to be a bit dystopian.

The occasional eye-rolls from "earthers" at the "moonies" way of talking/being almost make the show worth watching by itself.

I'll continue watching the show and hope the tone changes. With only 2 episodes out it is too soon to judge it.

I'm still muting it every time there is singing or chanting, though. That stuff is pure cringe.

Tentatively rating this show 6 out of 10. It could easily go either way.
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A unique and bizarre film
17 June 2022
Perhaps not a film for a casual viewer but should be watched by every cinephile.

A true "WTF did I just watch" film that also largely overlaps genius on a Venn diagram.
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Ms. Marvel (2022)
Terrible amount of cultural appropriation
16 June 2022
What is worse: the incredible amount of cultural appropriation or the hyper-color in every scene?

Disney is doing their best to ruin the MCU as they did Star Wars.
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Halo (2022– )
Decent to Good Sci Fi show
5 June 2022
All of the low rating for this show seem to be die-hard Halo game fans who are sore there were changes of the "lore" to fit a television show. How did they not expect such treatment is beyond me. In the end the die-hard fans would never have been happy with any result no matter what.

Besides the character Kwan Ha, the characters were solid and enjoyable. In my second time watching the show, I mute or skip any scene with Kwan which makes for a more enjoyable show. Hopefully they kill off Kwan in the beginning of season 2.

IMO, skip episode 7, it's a complete waste of time.

Looking forward to season 2.
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Madelines (2022)
Clever no-budget time traveling film
4 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Despite having no budget, this film delivers a good story.

At first it seems pretty clunky but after a bit I was fully engaged and no longer cared about the lack of budget.

One caveat (spoiler): At no point was it mentioned or realized they've effectively made a matter copying device and could have created immense wealth just from the diamond ring alone.
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Captain Nova (2021)
More like Captain Snora
4 April 2022
Banal dialog, one-dimensional characters, lifeless dubbing, along with an unpolished story make for a movie that will help those with insomnia finally fall asleep. Entire film could have been condensed into 10 minutes.

I can not see why anyone would give this film more than 5 stars out of 10.
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Rising Wolf (2021)
Imagine being stuck in an elevator for 2 hours.
23 December 2021
This film is about as enjoyable as being stuck in an elevator for that time. If you have flashbacks during your elevator ride, you lived this film. What more can be said?
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Repeat (2021)
Good concept, poor execution
15 December 2021
The idea behind this film is decent but the complete lack of budget and poor execution makes Repeat barely watchable. Watch it for the story and try not to let the laughable science turn you off.
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Invasion (2021–2024)
Ratings for Invasion above 6 must be paid ratings.
4 December 2021
I wanted to like this show but at best it's "Meh". It is certainly a very slow burn show. 90% of what you see is people being emotional. There is a very long drawn out Lord of the Flies segment. A very long drawn out secret lesbian romance all in flashback. Both of these segments add nothing important to the story. The majority of characters aren't very likable. The only likable character is the soldier.

What got to me is the bad science. There is a segment later in the series where an astronaut swims in space. I said that correctly, swimming in space with arm and leg movement.

Why was Sam Neill in one episode? What did the Sam Neill character arc bring to the story? Nothing. Bait and switch.

This show is not a 7 or higher rating by any standard.
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Volition (2019)
Well-crafted time travel film with a subtle ending missed by many
29 July 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Volition is a film billed as a time travel film, but it is really about free will vs absolute determinism. I am assuming those that gave this film a low rating missed the subtle clues as to the true ending (and beginning) of this film. With many different pieces to the puzzle, along with the knee-jerk reaction most people have to the concept of absolute determinism, it is easy to understand why some would not enjoy Volition. Unhappy with the ending? Perhaps watch it a few more times to piece together the complete puzzle. This film is the Inception of subtlety.
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