
3 Reviews
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Hogs of War (2000 Video Game)
Summarise this: Amazing PS1 game, one of a kind, the best PS1 game ever.
6 December 2006
Think Worms for PS1, but with pigs or hogs as they are labelled and you can play on your own against the computer or with friends round etc. The game has many levels and all are very different, some colourful, most bland if I may say, I mean this is a PS1 game, don't mistake it for something out of this world! There is an option to generate levels (make your own) and you can include tank like vehicles etc. 1 player is quite hard at times and if you lose a fair few times obviously losing pigs in levels, soon you will have no pigs, thus causing the game to start again. There are many different teams to choose from, like Chinese, British, American, Russian etc. Tommy Trotters ( British ) are my favourite and are just pure genius. I feel it is better than Worms, however some mates would disagree with me, some agree with me. It is original, funny as the pigs say some really random things and Rik Mayall (genius actor from The Young Ones, Bottom, Guest House Paradiso...) does a voice over for it. In a sentence, you will enjoy Hogs of war. Its remembered and loved. In my own sentence: I Heart Hogs of War.

Play it, with mates, its even better!
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World War Zero (2004 Video Game)
A cool game
4 July 2006
A decent game for PS2 that has a strange feel to it. It has a slightly nostalgic feel to it and the blandness of the game helps create a drab, grey and dank feel to the war. It is a FPS and the plot is about WW1 continuing into the 60's.. It can get repetitive but it is fun and in some ways scary. The graphics are average and the weapons are quite cool. The one thing that disappoints is that you can't play the 19 levels again from a level select, you would have to start over again.. The trench levels and the levels in the old cities are cool and the very last level feels rather odd as there is a robot (1960's) will see what I mean if you play it. It is a nice game but two player is rubbish!
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Half-Life (1998 Video Game)
Very game ever!
19 February 2006
This is a very amazing game! It is my favourite game ever. It is done so well in my opinion because the man that made it, "Marc Laidlaw", wrote books. So I feel he used his knowledge of how to make a good story and made an excellent game by using structure! An example for this is: Everything is fine. Build up. Something goes wrong. Cliffhanger. Problem solved. Everything is fine. Build up. Something goes wrong. Cliffhanger. Problem solved. Everything is fine. I feel basically that is what he did, seeing as he wrote books and I myself write stories and have a good knowledge of structure, I feel certain that is what he did to make the story interesting and compelling.

It sucks you in and holds you in for hours, a very enjoyable journey and will leave yo memories you will never forget. Know FPS has ever beaten Half life and it shall remain that way for many more years to come!

One to buy and cherish.


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