
212 Reviews
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A trippy and great time.
14 June 2021
I've seen this movie twice now. The tone and style of this film is very unique and captivating. The jokes were hilarious and it kept me hooked from beginning to end.
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Incredible and emotionally impactful film.
12 May 2021
This film boasts incredible acting and sound design. I was riveted and wanted to know how Ruben was going to live through this tragedy. This was a great film and I recommend it.
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A masterpiece.
22 April 2021
I watched this in Spanish class. Funniest thing ever made.
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End of Watch (2012)
A fun, intense and stylish cop thriller. (Very minor spoilers)
24 March 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This film has one great thing going for it. Its unpredictable. Thats one of the highest praises I can give a film. I was on the edge of my seat for the majority of the runtime. There are some flaws with it, some of the stuff with Jake Gyllenhals character's girlfriend wasnt that interesting, and the villains felt pretty cheesy at times. But for the most part this was an engaging thriller with a great duo and an emotionally impactful ending.
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The Joy of Painting (1983–2024)
One of the best shows ever.
15 March 2021
Bob Ross is such a positive mild mannered guy, this is the most relaxing show ever.
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A decently made movie with some issues.
15 February 2021
For such a small project this came out pretty okay. The overall presentation of the movie is fine, but it can get a bit repetitive some times. The questions characters asked themselves kept me intrigued in the moment, and there were some impressive filmmaking techniques (though they are few and far between). The main character is fairly strong and the Bible guy goes through some interesting development. Overall this movie gets a 6/10. It's decent but I don't see myself ever returning to it.
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Isle of Dogs (2018)
An alright enough film.
1 February 2021
It's got that film festival energy to it, and has the Wes Anderson charm but something is missing. Maybe it's some characters aren't very memorable and some feel unimportant to the story, but in the end it's still a good movie.
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Tenet (2020)
A beautifully made film.
6 January 2021
Nolan is my favorite director, so obviously I was hyped to see this. It wasn't some masterpiece, I would've likes to see better character development. But in the end this is an engrossing film with amazing visuals, a great concept and great music. I can forgive the lack of character development. 8/10 Would Recommend
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Pretty underwhelming.
9 December 2020
There were only about 3 scenes in this movie where I felt any tension. Most of it was just talking. But not Tarantino like dialogue just two guys in a car talking about nothing. And it was kind of boring. I guess I just don't get it because many others liked this movie so go see for yourself.
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Impressive stuff.
1 December 2020
A CHRISTIAN CARTOON THAT DOESN'T SUCK???? In fact, its quite great. As a Christian who thinks 99% of Christian media shampoo's crotch its nice to see these nostalgic vegetables. These cartoons have great lessons and are extremely entertaining on their own. 10/10
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Good for kids, not much else.
1 December 2020
This movie has many fun sequences which are balanced out with dumb scenes and humor that doesn't land. If your kid wants to learn history, show them this. It has some cool references to historical events. The stuff that isn't time travel though is pretty basic and uninteresting.
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Mutafukaz (2017)
Very beautiful to look at, but not much else.
24 November 2020
Warning: Spoilers
The first half of the movie had me, but the second half and the other plotlines just dragged it down. The luchadores and Luna, the most underdeveloped character in any movie ever, just made it not that good. It couldn't decide if it wanted to be a hood, sci fi, or evil corporation movie and decided to cram 15 hours worth of story into 1 hour and 30 minutes of movie. I recommend if you like good animation, but the story sucked big time.
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The Office (2005–2013)
A hilarious comedy show.
13 November 2020
Sure, the last 2 seasons fizzle out and aren't good but everything else is great. Theres plenty of hilarious jokes and no laugh track. Thank god theres no laugh track. It makes the humour that much funnier.
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28 Days Later (2002)
A genuinley scary film
23 October 2020
Not only did it have plenty of amazing zombie chases, it was disturbing as well. Watching people turn on each other and fight each other with zombies in the mix was great. It was also beautiful with some very tense scenes. Watch it. 10/10
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Fight Club (1999)
Nearly perfect.
15 October 2020
David Fincher knocks it out of the park with this film by giving us incredible film making along with a great story. 10/10 this is a great film, go watch it and see for yourself.
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Babe (1995)
Surprisingly good.
15 October 2020
Show this to your children, its pretty decent. If you want a good time with some talking animals, this is the movie. Also Charlotte's Web for more pig based films.
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Why can't Adam Sandler do stuff like this?
9 October 2020
Now that the name Adam Sandler invokes more fear than Adolf Hitler, nobody wants to watch his crap movies. Except for stupid people. But this movie isn't crap or for dumb people. Its fun and funny. Its a feel good movie with a bittersweet ending. 6/10 Do recommend.
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Die Hard (1988)
A thrilling action film.
25 September 2020
This trip around Nakatomi Plaza is just straight badassery. No other word can describe Bruce Willis straight up murdering all of the bad guys. And the littlest details that are sprinkled throughout, the character development, it all so great. I loved this film and it gets a 10/10.
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A heartbreaking film
25 September 2020
I honestly don't ever want to experience what these characters endured. The way this film portrays divorce is both hilarious and heartbreaking. At times you feel bad for the husband and at times the wife. They're both awful people, yet good as well. Its complex, the characters are complex, and that's what makes it great. The performances from the entire cast are incredible. The cinematography is eye candy. Some scenes just hurt to watch because you could feel the pain from the characters. This is an incredible film and I recommend you watch it. 9/10
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Little Women (2019)
A non-pretentious "feminist" film.
25 September 2020
Warning: Spoilers
The film is a beautifully shot and wonderfully acted tale. It handles themes like feminism and doesn't make it like Charlies Angles (2019) and Ghostbusters (2016). It shows that Jo wants to be independent, but realizes that she wants to be loved by a man. Not the "all men are pigs and stupid" trash that the previously mentioned films push. Anyway great film, I thought it was amazing and definitley recommend it. 8/10
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An incredible masterpiece.
22 September 2020
One of the best fantasy tales of all time, this film continues to enchant me to this day.
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No where near as good as Casino Royale.
18 September 2020
Even as its own movie, it just ok. The action scenes are poorly edited, and the villain is extremely mediocre. But it is enjoyable.
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Attaway General (2020– )
Incredible art.
15 September 2020
This is no TV show, no it is much more. It is the most beautiful and amazing work of art known to man, DaVinci couldn't ever fathom making art like this.
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A incredible masterpiece.
15 September 2020
Nearly everything about this film is perfect. I mean come on.
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A great conclusion.
15 September 2020
Emotionally resonant, exciting, and just plain awesome. Even the Ewoks, they're kinda adorable.
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