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Supernatural: Inherit the Earth (2020)
Season 15, Episode 19
The last 5 minutes were worth it
13 November 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Up until the last five minutes the episode was kinda meh, but since the whole season has felt really thrown together and irrelevant my expectations weren't very high. How Jack just absorbed power and became all mighty seemed a little too easy but I guess it's hard to write and play out an epic yet believable battle between two such powerful characters. However I did like that they didn't kill off Chuck, and just let him become one of those things that he despises - a human. The ending was the best part though - Jack bringing everyone back, seeing the dog again definitely made me tear up (it was strange that he didn't bring Cas back though, but I guess that wouldn't have fit the scene). Then seeing Sam and Dean in the bunker and all the flashbacks from earlier seasons definitely added some more tears. The music was fitting and it felt like a proper ending - emotional yet happy and hopeful. I see that a lot of people are upset about how they didn't mention Cas/Eileen/Bobby or anyone else, but I felt like this wasn't the time for that. Don't forget we have one more episode next week, hopefully we'll get to see them all again!
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Supernatural: Gimme Shelter (2020)
Season 15, Episode 15
Was hoping for more..
16 October 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I'm sorry but this was not good. The brothers barely get any screen time, especially Sam, and the episode mostly centres around the church case which is just a mediocre filler story. Also, the darkness was the big bad a few seasons back and now they sit across from her at a diner eating pirogues while talking about killing her brother, really? (Actually I'm not crazy about this seasons storyline in the first place, with the bad god and how everything has just been a story but that's a different story). I really wanted to like this last season but I keep getting disappointed, I think the show, the cast and the fans all deserve better. But hey it's not over yet, I still hope that it wraps up nicely :)
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Supernatural: Galaxy Brain (2020)
Season 15, Episode 12
A little disappointing tbh
17 March 2020
To be honest, I was a little disappointed with the New episode after this long wait. I didn't really get why they would revive an old subplot from several seasons ago and focus on those characters when there are only a few episodes of the show left. Don't get me wrong, I liked kaya and her actress who plays both roles really well, but I would rather have seen more of the main characters and their relationships and how they deal with the fact that Jack is back.
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Supernatural: Optimism (2018)
Season 14, Episode 6
One story would have been enough
19 August 2019
The case that Jack and Dean worked was fairly interesting and Jack was really funny and cute in this episode. That being said, the episode would have been a lot better if Sam had joined them and Charlie wasn't there. Her story was completely pointless, I don't know why they bothered to bring her "back" (yeah I know it's not her but you know what I mean). I liked her a lot in the first few episodes she was in but then I though that her character and storyline had run its course and I didn't really mind when she died. I know it upset a lot of fans though, and maybe that's why they brought her back. AND that would have been fine had she filled a purpose to the story but she doesn't. Like, it's not even her, just a vague copy of the old Charlie and don't get me wrong like I said I used to like her a lot, but she had no place in this episode. I really think this show needs to let characters go sometimes. I know they say that "death doesn't always mean the end on supernatural" but maybe sometimes it should. Also, the case they worked was not interesting at all, a giant fly man come on?
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Supernatural: Mint Condition (2018)
Season 14, Episode 4
Please keep it up
18 August 2019
Yes!! This is like the good old days, no parallel universe, no angels, no time travelling, just the two brothers hunting the monster of the week. Like so many other fans I've been following supernatural since season 1 and seen every episode but I feel like we haven't really been given any good storylines since season 6 (I know a lot of people will disagree that S6 was good but I really thought soulless Sam was a treasure!) To be honest, I wish they would just go back to the basics like they did with this episode, I'd rather have a good "monster of the week episode" every week than some half decent story line that I don't really care about. Anyhow, this episode was great and the only thing I was disappointed at was that Sam and Samantha didn't get together, that would have been really cute :)
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Supernatural: The Foundry (2016)
Season 12, Episode 3
Good episode with a couple of minor flaws
20 July 2019
Warning: Spoilers
This is a really good episode. It's always pleasant to see a "ghost of the week episode" to mix in with the heavier stuff. And seeing Cas and Crowley work together was really fun!

There are a few things that bother me though.. first of all I don't like that they brought mother Mary back. The whole show was built up on her death and seeing her alive and kicking feels like it's ruined a bit of the shows essence. I was hoping she would just be around for a few episodes and that she'd turn out to be some sort of illusion or something, but by the looks of it *spoiler warning* she'll keep appearing in a lot of episodes up to date.

The other thing that bothered me is Lucifer's new vessel. This guy is nothing like Lucifer has been portrayed in the past seasons by Mark Pellegrino and, in last season, flawlessly re-enacted by Misha. He lacks all of the mimic and wit and seems more like some pissed off demon than Lucifer himself. It's not that he's a bad actor, he just doesn't fit the role. Is it just me?
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Supernatural: Red Meat (2016)
Season 11, Episode 17
Very good
16 July 2019
Brilliant episode in fact. The only reason I'm not giving it a 10 is because I'm a nurse and could spot about 100 inaccuracies 🙈
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