
8 Reviews
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Better than The Predator 2018
20 November 2019
I don't want to explain too much but idfc about the others who hate this film. Actually this movie dissapoints me when they created those stupid characters that makes me feel like the movie mustn't exist, but this movie created Wolf Predator and the Predalien, my favorite Predator and Alien in the entire franchise (I don't care if Alien and Predator aren't connected, they belonged in the same franchise so just deal with it) and the scenes are much better than Alien: Resurrection, Alien: Covenant and The Predator. I demand AVP 3. I hope after Ridley Scott completes his Alien Prequels, Fox immediately create plans for the Alien Vs Predator Cinematic Universe, but don't make it like Marvel films, just make them like Alien and Predator films
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The best out of the 6 short films!
29 April 2019
I'm loving this film, he horrifying atmosphere of the Alien Franchise is back! Plus, all the effects are great, mostly good practical effects (I'm loving the xeno design). Plus this is the least decent one among the 6 films, which doesn't make me feel sleepy.
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Alien: Ore (2019)
Excellent film
29 April 2019
Warning: Spoilers
This film is one of the best. Finally we got a fully grown Xenomorph in the short films. Acting is good, creature effects are good as well except the ending scene where the Xenomorph is created with CGI. Luckily this CGI Xenomorph is better than the CGI Facehugger in Alien: Specimen.
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Not the best
29 April 2019
Warning: Spoilers
The acting was all good, but the terror of the creature is not so much. I prefer instant death when an alien burst out from your body, because it's been like that for 40 years since Alien.... and why the alien is more of a belly burster than a chestburster. I can understand about Aliens Vs. Predator - Requiem when it comes to belly bursters because the Predalien was impregnating more than one "egg" in a host, which the chest cannot fit all in, so the Predalien insert them in the stomach. But in this film, there was only one chestburster, so it should burst out from the chest with enormous gore.... and once again, I don't the a chestburster would fight back, they will run, hide and only come out when they're fully grown.
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Excellent Film
29 April 2019
Warning: Spoilers
This film is great! The idea of an Android Dog is something new. But I'm always disappointed about the facehugger's design, it's basically bad CGI, but other than that, it's all fine to me.
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Good, but no scene of the creature
29 April 2019
Of course with the creature rarely making an appearance will create a greater horror to the film. But that was just a chestburster right?? It can't be that dangerous (except the fact if they open the door, the chestburster can escape and grew into an adult easily, cause lots of deaths in the station).
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Built for the Kill (2001– )
My Favourite Animal Documentary
9 November 2018
My favourite episodes are the 2011-2012 version (consists of 8 episodes - Season 4: Lion, Great White Shark, Crocodile, Polar Bear; Season 5: Killer Whale, Wolf, Hyena, Grizzly Bear). Plus, I love the music they used - Red Planet (by Terry Devine-King; on behalf of Audio Network). I really wished that it would continue to this day.
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Built for the Kill: Killer Whale (2013)
Season 5, Episode 1
One Of The Best Episodes Of Built For The Kill !
9 November 2018
I like how they show the hunting skills of the Killer Whales such as wave washing seals off ice packs, taking turns when attacking whales and sea lions and using tonic immobility as an advantage when hunting down stingrays and sharks. Killer Whales really are Built For The Kill.
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