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FBI: Imminent Threat: Part Two (2023)
Season 5, Episode 17
Loved this crossover
8 April 2023
To the people questioning where part one was, it was on FBI International. I don't know about on tv, but on Paramount + they had a thing at the beginning of all 3 episodes, saying part one was on International, Part 2 was on FBI and part 3 was on Most Wanted, and they did show recaps at the beginning of parts 2 and 3. I watch all 3 shows and saw the whole story. If you don't watch all 3 shows, you are going to miss it when there are crossovers.

Story was very good. Writing and acting was great on all 3 shows. When a show has spin-offs, there are bound to be crossovers, so you pretty much have to watch all the shows or you will miss parts of crossovers if you don't watch them all.
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The Good Doctor: Not the Same (2020)
Season 4, Episode 4
Better episode
2 April 2023
My opinion on Dr Allen changed in this episode. She really connected with the pregnant patient and showed she is a good Doctor. Dr Wolke again proved himself in both diagnosing a problem and coming up with the best treatment for the patient. I like the actor that played the patient and remember him as Detective Lake on Law & Order SVU. Dr Andrews neice also proved herself in this episode after a slow start due to nerves. I think Morgan needs to mellow out. I liked the actress when she appeared on Knight Rider 2009. She played a very sweet and bubbly young woman. I get a kick out of Dr Murphy and really like Lea. The surfer Doctor seems pretty cool as well. One mistake I noticed was when Dr Wolke said that Fire and Brimstone was New Testament. It was actually mentioned in The Book of Genesis in the destruction of Sodom and Gamorrah when God rained down Fire and Brimstone. Brimstone is basically Sulfer.
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The Good Doctor: Newbies (2020)
Season 4, Episode 3
Too political
2 April 2023
First of all, Dr Hooper was in no way arrogant or obnoxious. He was just confident. I don't think he should have been cut. I do think Asher proved himself and showed he was motivated and eager to help. I thought Morgan was super obnoxious compared to Dr Hooper. I did like the Asian guy. I thought he would have been a good pick and agreed with him that Shaun, Claire, Morgan and Alex were unprofessional. I personally wasn't impressed with the lady Doctor that questioned and insulted Dr Andrews. I know Dr Murphy does that, but his autism is a valid excuse for his issues. I normally think Claire is great, but didn't care for her attitude in this episode. I dislike when a show gets too political. A certain amount of that is fine, but if you go too far you can alienate viewers.
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Bones: The Repo Man in the Septic Tank (2014)
Season 9, Episode 17
Bones needs to chill out
3 March 2023
One issue I have had with Dr Brennan is she is way too antagonistic. As far as at work, she would be considered a toxic boss in real life. The Jeffersonian would be getting sued all the time over how toxic she can be towards her interns and other people she works with. She acts like she is everybody's boss. In terms of her personal life, she has always been antagonistic towards religion. I would have thought once her and Booth got together she would have been more accepting of Booth's beliefs but it is like she always has to mock his faith. She is married to a devout Catholic who wants their daughter brought up in The Church to expose her to his faith and allow her to eventally decide what she believes in and Bones is very much opposed to that. She needs to learn to compromise and not always have to have her own way. She needs to be more respectful of her husbands beliefs instead of always mocking his faith as if it is a joke. In reality, this would put them in couples therapy and the therapist would tell her she needs to be more respectful and not resort to mocking her husbands faith and learn to make compromises. If she refuses, Booth would be well within his rights to divorce her and sue for custody as she is very verbally and emotionally abusive.
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Bones: The Proof in the Pudding (2010)
Season 5, Episode 12
Enjoyable episode but there was one big issue
13 February 2023
While I enjoyed this episode, there is one huge issue. The Men In Black that locked down the lab and the scientists, were from some Federal Agency likely the Secret Service, did so with no warrant or court order which is a violation of the 4th Ammendment in regards to Unreasonable Search or Seisure. With a lab that works so closely with the FBI, there would be major consequences for whoever authorized these men to do what they did with no warrant or court order. If this was authorized by The President, that would be grounds for impeachment. I think Bones made up the statement about the remains not being JFK since he actually did have Osteomilitis. I get the whole creative license, but writers need to avoid issues like this that if they happened in real life, the agents involved and possibly The President would be facing Federal Charges for locking down the lab and scientists without any kind of Federal Court Order. This was basically kidnapping and seizing a lab without legal authorization.
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