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Dune (2021)
Truly a cinematic experience
13 December 2021
Dune is a movie that completely immerses the viewer in its world, story, characters and mythology. A sci-fi/fantasy film of this magnitude has not been seen since the Lord of the Rings trilogy.

On an audio and visual level the film is simply breathtaking, with excellent cinematography, visual effects and a booming score. In spite of the slower pace I was completely riveted just following the story, political drama and learning about the world.

There are a great many characters here, each of them given moments to shine. None felt unnecessary. Certainly it seems as though we haven't seen much of Paul and his story, but the setup is intriguing. While the ending is somewhat abrupt, and lacks the impact that one might hope for, this is a fantastic start to what will hopefully become a great sci-fi saga.
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A truly epic conclusion to a great trilogy
10 May 2020
With his Batman trilogy, Christopher Nolan delivers 3 excellent superhero movies, and a much more realistic take on one of the most iconic characters. The Dark Knight Rises is in my opinion the best of the 3 films.

Bane makes for a menacing villain, although his voice does take some getting used to and is difficult to understand at times. The action in this movie is fantastic, and this has arguably the biggest scope and scale of the 3.

The story of Batman reaches a satisfying conclusion and has an action-packed final act, and gives us a great farewell to the character. The only thing really holding this movie back is the plot conveniences, and how certain issues are glazed over fairly quickly so that the story can continue.

Overall this is easily one of the best comic-book movies of all time and absolutely worth watching.
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Suits: Good-Bye (2018)
Season 7, Episode 16
27 February 2020
This has to be the single most disappointing episode of Suits I have seen. Given that this was the last time we would see main characters like Mike and Rachel onscreen, it was a huge letdown.

This episode feels like they were trying to cram too much in, without really doing much justice to any of it. The latter half of the season deals with how potentially the existence of Specter Litt could be in jeopardy, but what should have been a critical plotline feels like it was just glazed over and resolved in this episode.

Most of this episode is actually a backdoor pilot for the Pearson series. While the execution of this story is very good and very real, I don't feel like this should have been in the same episode as some of the much more critical plot that it feels like we get a glimpse of.

By the time you get to the end of the episode, you almost forget about Mike and Rachel's wedding, and of course the fact that they were leaving. The wedding scene was a fine enough place to leave the season on, but it just felt hollow. It seemed wrong to me that Mike wouldn't give Harvey more notice about the fact that he was leaving. Worse still, the episode lacked the emotional weight and punch I was looking for. There were no tearful goodbyes or anything of the sort. I didn't think that this episode was able to satisfy the past 7 seasons that we as an audience have spent with these characters. They could have done so much better.
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Lost in Space (2018–2021)
A decent series but could be improved
14 January 2020
Lost in Space is an enjoyable, well made series. The production value is incredibly high, and the wide shots of vast landscapes make for a visual feast. The quality of effects on the robot and spacecraft is also commendable. The characters are all pretty good, and the relationships between them become more clearly defined as the show goes along. The initial intrigue and mystery of why exactly the characters are in space, and the origins of the robot keep the viewer engaged. The main characters are almost always in danger, creating a sense of urgency as well.

Where the show is more frustrating is the plot itself. Because the characters are always in danger, and there always seems to be some big spectacle taking place on screen, little time is devoted to developing any sort of plot within each episode and throughout the season. At the end of every episode the crisis is averted, of course only for some new problem to pop up in the next one. Getting to the finale, some semblance of a plot is quickly set up a couple of episodes in advance before being quickly diffused. This is where the show suffers and what holds it back greatly.
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Modern Family (2009–2020)
I wish I could give a higher rating
4 January 2020
For a long time, 'Modern Family' was my favourite show on TV. I would watch an episode and it would crack me up. Each of the characters was hilarious in their own way, and the situations that they were in always made for good viewing. Seasons 1-6 are some of my favourite TV comedy, and season 7 is good enough. From that point onwards it just gets so boring.

Maybe it's just the actual passage of time rather than the material going stale. As the show has gone on new characters have been born and the children have grown up. In the more recent seasons all of the characters that were children when the show started airing have just become insufferable. Lily has become an annoying hormonal teenager, Alex is an bad, Manny is irritating and both Luke and Haley are dull.

The remainder of other characters have largely stayed the same, but on their own they cannot right the ship. Phil is consistently the most entertaining character, and everyone else is fine. I would argue that the show has grown stale because audiences have grown tired of seeing these same characters over and over again. The jokes just don't land like they used to.

While we're here, can we mention the tease of a 'main character's death' that turned out to be a complete and utter waste of time. Now credit where credit is due: season 10 does mark something of an improvement over the previous season. That's hardly an achievement, but it's better than nothing.

The later seasons have killed the series for me. I cannot be bothered to watch anymore. But don't let the negativity of this review deceive you, I really did enjoy this show for a while, but everything after season 7 isn't worth anyone's time.
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The Goldbergs (2013–2023)
A decent sitcom that just went on too long.
4 January 2020
In the early seasons, 'The Goldbergs' established itself as a reasonably entertaining series, that was solid, but never left me laughing in the same way that some of my other favourites would. As someone who wasn't even alive during the '80s it worked well enough. The characters themselves were all reasonably interesting in their own way, and represented different archetypes of individuals within a family.

As of right now, the series is well into its 7th season, but I just can't be bothered watching it anymore. The basic plot of each episode is so formulaic, and you see that as the show goes on. Most of the time it feels like someone is angry at someone else, and the episode ends with someone apologising to someone else; rinse and repeat.

There are a number of episodes that pay homage to '80s movies, which feel like lazy writing and act as a watered down version of the original movie in the best case scenario. When these episodes are based on a movie that I haven't seen, I find them to be barely watchable.

I am honestly surprised that ABC continues to rehash the same plot template over and over, but then again, maybe it's cheap and easy for them to do that. I recommend the first 3-4 seasons, but after that it just doesn't interest me.
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The Good Place: A Girl from Arizona (2019)
Season 4, Episode 1
A step in the right direction, but slowly The Good Place drifts away.
17 December 2019
Warning: Spoilers
The 3rd season of this show was something of a disappointment for me. It was an obvious departure from the charming and often absurd show that I had fallen in love with from the first episode, with that charm sacrificed for a rather profound statement about mankind in the present day. I was underwhelmed and wanted to get back to what this show used to be.

To some extent I got that. This episode returned to the 'Good Place' as such, and there was a glimmer of hope. We were back to the creative and at times wacky humour that audiences have come to expect from this show and I appreciated that.

Unfortunately, what holds this episode back is the baggage that the series has accumulated over time. At this stage, the intricacies of the experiment set up at the end of the last season, as well as the relationships between the characters themselves are far too complicated, and we are provided with little information that actually helps us understand what is going on.

In the end, this episode of The Good Place marks an improvement over the majority of last season, but fails to provide its viewers with a clear idea of what the season will be about.
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Typewriter (2019)
Indian Stranger Things doesn't live up to the original
11 August 2019
Warning: Spoilers
A number of similarities to Stranger Things, the kids, the cop etc. (Even some of the actors are reminiscent of those from Stranger Things). The show itself works well enough, and is fairly intriguing as the mystery unfolds. Where this show fails is its inability to be taken fully seriously. While Stranger Things spent a lot of time focusing on the kids, it was still able to hold your attention without venturing into the territory of feeling childish. This show leans into the children too much and the stakes of the story can be undercut by the children and their scheme to make school finish early. Better than I had expected, but hardly a masterpiece.
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Hot Damn!
2 August 2019
Where to begin? All the callbacks and tie-ins to past MCU films are truly a celebration of the MCU. As always, the action is exciting(Although sparse) and humour cracks you up. This movie reaches a new level going into the third act, with epic moments that put a grin on your face and an ending that might just put a tear in your eye. A must watch!
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Z Nation (2014–2018)
22 July 2019
The pilot episode of this show is incredibly misleading. It is impossible to take this show seriously. The tone is unbalanced and can shift from cannibalism to goofy humour. The plot of the show is non-existent, with each episode coming off as bland and formulaic. Every episode the group stops somewhere, kills some zombies and gets back on the road. I do not give a damn about any of these characters, and the show gives me no reason to root for them. This show is like a dodgy movie with no plot and cheap entertainment. Nonetheless, the show isn't boring, and kept me invested for a couple of episodes
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Overrated, but not total garbage.
22 July 2019
The show struck me as entertaining enough, but comparing it with the high praise that so many have given it it does fall short. Some humour lands, some doesn't. In the end I gave up after a couple of seasons because it never took off.
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Bird Box (2018)
Entertaining but derivative
12 July 2019
This wasn't as bad as I had expected. There is a lot of tension in this movie, and it is interesting to see characters try and solve problems in a world where they can't look outside. Reminded me of A Quiet Place, but less inventive. If you want a movie like this, I would recommend that film over this one, but you wouldn't be wasting your time to watch Bird Box.
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Left Behind (I) (2014)
Good for anyone that wants to waste an hour and 50 minutes
12 July 2019
A complete waste of time. This movie is the dictionary definition of a dumpster fire, and has to be the worst movie I have ever seen. Can't believe I wasted my evening watching it Christmas Day.
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Extinction (2018)
It ain't too bad
12 July 2019
Overall, I enjoyed it a fair bit. The premise was fine, but the twist really made the movie for me. There is some good tension throughout, although the action is cut in a way that it is often difficult to see. There isn't much plot however. What really annoyed me was those damn kids whining. I get that it's realistic, but they could have at least tried to tone it down a bit. This is a solid film from Netflix, but nothing too memorable.
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