
3 Reviews
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Something that needs to be understood
12 November 2007
I am tired of one extreme or the other bashing this movie because in one sense it made their personal opinions look bad. But if you would get past your narrow minded life of being either your conservative (so-called moral majority) or liberal (tree hugging hippie) this movie has a lot to offer. It is the first I have noted that sets both extreme ideals against each other and even allowing each side to give way a small bit to the other. If you as a viewer can't see this then go back to your hole don't watch any news and believe whatever your side of the spectrum tells you. People on both sides are so quick to say this movie sucks because it gives them a gut check and both sides are too stubborn to admit otherwise. This is the problem of our politics today and explains why we will not have an approved president this time around. The two soldiers depicted in this movie are the personalities that are most needed today and by every other comment are completely overlooked. And if anyone watching this movie wanting a plot they are what the movie is about and how both sides have screwed them.

My advice is don't listen to anybody else about this movie and for once form your own opinion about this and the politics it brings up. I almost didn't go watch this movie because of so many others saying it sucked and as a person living in this country and a soldier I am glad that I did.
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Stardust (2007)
Indirect comedy
14 August 2007
The reason I say indirect because this movie actually has a purpose besides just being funny. As well the humor is never just over the top but simple and in the correct places.

The combination of the entire story makes this a movie for pretty much anyone not just a certain group of movie goers. With just enough special effects actions while not over doing it, each part of the experience actually compliments itself. From what I could remember there wasn't anything but good acting within the movie. Not that you couldn't expect much less from Robert Deniro or Michelle Phieffer. But the rest of the cast and even the small parts were written and accomplished well.

This could be probably the best attempt I have seen to repeat the greatness of one of the most underrated movies of all time. The Princess Bride.
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Skinwalkers (2006)
Wow just wow
12 August 2007
Not in a good way, who ever made any good previous comments about this movie is in desperate need for entertainment. If you want to see a better movie about this subject I highly suggest Michael J Fox's role in Teenwolf. Not only were the costumes better, but the story as well as the special effects. Yes there is a few attractive girls in the movie that do nothing but become hairy and use the same makeup job from Dusk til Dawn. Honestly how is a movie like this made and even put into theaters, no one should ever be subjected to this kind of torture. Some might think that I am being harsh but I am just trying to save your money for renting a good b movie instead.
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