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The Irishman (2019)
Several Oscar nominations incoming
18 October 2019
The Irishman is another outstanding Scorsese film. De Niro gives one of his best performances in years. His narration is spot on and he makes us genuinely feel for Frank Sheeran. I believe his first Oscar nomination for years is inbound. Pesci is also great in a somewhat reserved role, but it's Al Pacino that really shines in this film. He gives his typical loudmouth performance and should be considered the favourite for best supporting actor, in my book. The film has a good pace to it. The nearly three and a half hour runtime flies by... for the most part. Midway through the second act, things can get a little slow but by no means is it boring. Perhaps it's the kind of film you watch on Netflix rather see it in cinema. The character development overall is excellent. We get a good grasp of every character by the end of the film due to the run time. However, we don't hear a huge chunk of information regarding Frank's Irish background. It is merely mentioned with one or two references. I personally had no issue with the de-aging. I think it's done really well. At no point was I distracted or thought it looked unrealistic. The ending and/or final act as a whole is conclusive. You leave the cinema with a smile on your face. I see a best picture nomination incoming for The Irishman. You should check it out when it comes to Netflix November 27. 9/10
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Lacked the spark that made the first film great!
8 September 2019
I enjoyed the first 'IT'. Pennywise was legitimately scary and the children's characters were genuinely believable. However, this time around the film just feels like any other mediocre horror. The characters as adults were mundane and have little depth despite the near three hour runtime (which drags a lot by the way). I felt more emotion towards the nameless victims killed in this film than I did for the main characters. Pennywise himself loses that scare factor completely for me. He is shown far too much. The filmmaker appears to favour cheap jump scares rather than building tension. Despite these flaws, I was still mildly entertained watching IT Chapter 2. Most of this is down to both the terrific acting and great comedic timing in the film. Although, as the film progresses jokes are often overused and very hit or miss. The ending is also quite the nail in the coffin. It feels anti climactic and altogether unrealistic. Disappointed to say the least, but still somewhat entertained. 6/10
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Game of Thrones: The Last of the Starks (2019)
Season 8, Episode 4
Some really mediocre writing
6 May 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Episode wasn't bad by any means, but can someone please explain this to me. How do Dani and Tyrian not see Euron about to attack? How has Missandei not drowned after the attack? How did Euron know who she was? They've never met as far as I can tell. And finally how could Dani and Greyworm possibly know she was captured and not killed? This just didn't make any sense. They are leaving a lot of assumptions to be made by the audience. Really poor writing here
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Quite boring
22 April 2019
To be completely honest, most people could get away without watching this episode. Nothing happens. It is very unimportant. The majority of the episode consists of people talking, none of which is interesting. The things that do happen are very predictable, even to the casual fan. Although I'm a huge fan of Game of Thrones, this is certainly one of, if not the worst episode I've ever watched. I stayed awake until 3am for nothing. I really don't recommend giving it a watch, it might put you to sleep. Poor stuff coming from a great show
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Hannibal: Mizumono (2014)
Season 2, Episode 13
Now that you know me, see me.
8 January 2019
This episode is forty five minutes of pure perfection. Simple as. From the get-go, the music has the audience on edge. The sound of a ticking clock reminds you that perhaps Hannibal Lector's reign of terror may finally be coming to an end. By watching this I guarantee you one thing; you will not see a better episode of television in your life. This episode alone is more than enough to convince anyone into watching the full series. However, it's the final twenty minutes or so where the episode really shines. The events that take place are both shocking and touching. Once again, the choice of music in the final scenes coupled with Mads Mikkelsen's exquisite performance make it impossible not to, at the very least, shed a tear. His delivery of the final lines trigger goosebumps and cause you to rethink your life. He is THAT good. Those who have given this masterpiece less than ten stars clearly didn't watch it. 10/10
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