
7 Reviews
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Better than the reviews say
25 October 2023
I'm shocked by all the negative reviews! I saw the terrible rating and I nearly let it put me off watching it altogether. But it was surprisingly good, as far as horrors go. Horror movies always seem to get awful reviews, so I decided to give it a shot. In the end, it turned out to be a really well made and unique modern interpretation of the classic. Far more interesting that many recent horrors and much better plot line. Compared to Insidious - Red Door, this was far superior! I would definitely recommend that people ignore the reviews and give it a watch. It's way more interesting than the typical cliche possession movies.
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19 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Painfully biased interviewer, never asks Casey any difficult questions and just allows weak or irrelevant answers to questions.

"Why didn't you report your child missing for a month?" "Because I was abused as a child." Oh ok... What does that have to do with anything?

Casey herself is cringe to watch because she comes across as an actress. Her monologues all sound scripted and pre-planned, and not even remotely convincing. She still claims she has no memory of vital events or much insightful information. So why make a documentary?

Judging from the ratings of this film, it was clear that it's mission of gaining sympathy for a murderer failed miserably.
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28 Days Haunted (2022– )
21 October 2022
The cast of this show are so incredibly irritating! The fat guy reading the bible is so insanely fake and arrogant he's impossible to watch. He's so rude to the woman, snapping at her and slapping her down!

They've tried to create a reality TV vibe (with cast members falling out and gossiping) which makes it so cringe to watch and just makes it look more fake.

The whole point of the show is that the investigators unearth real information they didn't know before they entered the site...but the viewer has no evidence they don't already know everything. It just comes across as staged. The producers require a lot of trust and faith from the viewer. I'm surprised Netflix green lit this nonsense.
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Speak No Evil (2022)
Lazy, unrealistic, and tasteless
19 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The films relies heavily on character decisions that no real person would ever actually do. As if these characters would have stayed a minute longer in this house after all the weird stuff they saw.

And drawing blood from a child is so unnecessary. I don't know what mental health problem the writer of this vile story has but no parent should ever have to watch this.

The writing isn't clever or realistic. The writer clearly isn't a parent because no parent would just let you abduct and hurt their child and put up no fight whatsoever!

I'm not really sure what the point of this film is but to shock viewers. What point was even being made? If this didn't have children in it, this would have been a better film.
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Scream (I) (2022)
Painfully clique and silly.
4 March 2022
Really cringy, questionable acting, and scenes that make absolutely no sense. Apparently hospitals have no staff at night... A woman killed screaming outside her house in broad daylight, nobody sees or hears anything no? This was hard to watch, especially with the really cheesy lines - some of which didn't even make sense: "Enjoy the torch"? It felt like an inexperienced kid made this after watching too many bad 90s horrors.
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Tries to turn a sociopathic con artist into Jesse James
23 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The show, for some reason, decides to glorify this narcissist and convicted criminal just to make a statement about capitalism (and for some reason race - even though the main characters are all white). The only think Anna deserves if for the world to forget she ever existed, and yet this show wants to make her a feminist icon despite the vile way she treated every single person she ever came into contact with. This show also seems to have a strong vendetta against Rachel too, which is bizarre given she was the victim of a convicted fraudster.
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I'll Be Gone in the Dark (2020–2021)
A bizarre watch
29 July 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I've read both the positive and the negative reviews, after watching four episodes, and I unfortunately fall on the side of the negative. I see the word 'narcissistic' mentioned a lot, and I get the same impression. This documentary, accompanied by the sickly and cringy messages between Patton and his wife, feel to me like a way for him to deal with his guilt. How is the viewer not supposed to think poorly of him? This person didn't have a job and was freeloading off her husband and being absent from parenting her child simply because of an unpaid hobby, one which she became so obsessive about that she got hooked on drugs. When this happened, her husband just enabled her and filled her head with clichés about what a good deed she was doing. From her blog, where she seems to think she's the next Hemingway simply because she writes descriptively about every mundane event in her daily routine, you can tell she has an inflated ego. Then her husband says nothing when she deserts her family to pursue her hobby. In all, its just a really bizarre story, and it feels like a PR exercise to absolve Patton from blame in not stopping his wife's inevitable demise. I'm just left wondering why people in this documentary think she is so amazing. She seems like a selfish, obsessive, ego maniac with the writing talent of an angsty teenager. They think she's a genius... A genius who thinks it's wise to pop pills for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Bizarre...
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