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Poldark: Episode #5.1 (2019)
Season 5, Episode 1
When showrunners go off the reservation
26 April 2023
Unlike seasons 1-4 which are based on the first eight Poldark books, show runners admitted they decided to go off the books for season 5. Season 5 takes place between books seven and eight. Showrunners of shows based on books should stay with the books. The tone of this season is markedly different from the first four seasons. Likewise, new non-canonical characters are introduced. In an interview, it was said that went with this method because the other books dont focus as much on the main characters from the first four seasons. They should have followed Outlander, which kept with the books but changed certain aspects like characters to make it work. They could easily have kept the cast intact and adjusted the books to make the show consistent. Instead, they decided to go it alone when they didn't have the skill to be as good as the author.
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Better, more like the series
3 October 2022
The first movie was fantastic. But I came to the show late and so I had the fortune of watching the first movie immediately after finishing the series. I felt it tried to be more than the show; grander. This movie corrects that mistake. The plot, the characters, all feel like they could be another episode of the series. This movie is all about the family, as the show was, and it was better for it. There are plenty of easter eggs from the series and it continues a story established in the first film. That said, I can't wait for more movies. This second one demonstrated that the desire for more Downton still exists.
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Ted Lasso: Beard After Hours (2021)
Season 2, Episode 9
Side kicks don't get to star
30 December 2021
Anytime a tv show wastes a episode on a side character it never ends good. This was one of the worst episodes. We didn't need to know who Coach Beard was. I grant that this show is a situational comedy and that individual episodes are just that, but this was uncalled for. Whoever wrote this episode should have their credentials with the writers guild revoked.
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Vikings: Moments of Vision (2018)
Season 5, Episode 10
Film School Drop Out
14 December 2021
The makers of this episode must have dropped out of film school after one class. The episode tries too hard to be artistic but fails. A retelling of the previous episode from the perspective of different characters. Poor storytelling.
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4 July 2021
Like others, I didn't like this movie as much as the others. The storyline with Cena was a missed opportunity and ended haphazardly; he was a weak bad guy. It's said they had to move away from the street racing theme to survive, but at some point, they have to abandon international espionage for that same reason. The franchise is tired. This movie was slow, confused, and incoherent. About the only thing, I want to see happen is bring Leon back or explain what happened.
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Apt Pupil (1998)
Poorly done movie
15 September 2020
I was disappointed with Apt Pupil for several reasons, first, Todd is a badly written character with no direction or motives for anything he does in the movie. Kurt, Ian McKellen thought was "pure evil" is also a week character and almost a caricature of what he is meant to be. There is no real story, you could replace the Nazi theme with anything since this movie centers around a petulant child blackmailing an old man into telling of his past. Nearly every other character in the film is superfluous and add nothing to the film. The subplot involving Mr. French is weak and does nothing to add to the main plot. I feel like Todd doesn't develop as a character, but rather remains as he did at the beginning. If you want to see the effects of hate and Nazism, go watch American History X which is much better written and acted. Das Experiment is another good choice if you want to see a movie that explains why people do what they do. Don't waste your time on Apt Pupil.
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Amateur Night (2016)
Jason Biggs at his best
31 August 2020
Jason Biggs has gained a reputation for these types of movies. You know, raunchy sex comedies that have an underlying lesson. The connection and chemistry between Jason and Janet Montgomery is obvious and adds something to the movie. Of course, Jason is married to Jenny Mollen in real life and that adds an interesting dynamic. You won't get an award-winning film, but you will get a fun little film worth seeing at least once if not more.
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College (2008)
You get what you pay for
30 August 2020
As far as teen comedies go, this one certainly missed the heyday. But that said, what do you think this movie is going to be with a name like College or a synopsis telling you it's about three high schoolers who visit a local college? This is a simple, raunchy, teen comedy. It isn't the greatest ever, but it's not a horror movie for the genre it belongs to.
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Frustrating, slow, but a decent movie despite itself
23 August 2020
Call me crazy, I like dialogue-driven movies. I agree with those who say the movie was a bit boring, but I still thought it was a well-made movie. As far as the plot is concerned, this movie isn't that different from others in the same vein. A mysterious, lovelorn student comes to school, awkward but a hopeless romantic student is attracted to them despite never having felt those feelings before. Lili Reinhart played the lovelorn, distraught teen quite well and Austin Abrams did well with the awkward hopeless romantic. As a couple, they lacked chemistry and I didn't feel sorry for either when the inevitable falling out occurs. Perhaps this isn't the actor's fault, maybe the writing was just that bad, or the source material lacked what was needed to make the movie something spectacular. Based on the movies Richard Tanne has directed, my guess is the problems with this movie lay with the C-list movie director trying to reach above his station.
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Shakespeare said it best
31 March 2020
It is a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury signifying nothing.
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Funny and enjoyable
31 March 2020
I watched this for the first time tonight. I say first because I know I'll watch it again. The only part I could have done without was the Keanu Reeves scenes. The subplot was weak. Randall and Ali had great chemistry. The story dragged at times but overall it was a fantastic romantic comedy.
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Don Jon (2013)
Lose yourself
15 February 2020
I came across Don Jon while searching for something to watch and the preview looked funny. Previews lie. All the pieces in this film work, but only as pieces. The story is simplistic, the New Jersey tough man act is fake, and the only redeeming quality to the film is Brie Larson staring at her phone the whole movie. The movie doesn't do an adequate job of resolving the conflict nor are the majority of characters, including Don Jon himself, fully fleshed out. What you get is a movie that is about sex, lots and lots of sex but lacks substance. Other low budget movies that focus on characters do a much better job,including Before Sunrise and Clerks, at developing a compelling storyline and dialogue.
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Cute love story
9 January 2020
The best part of this movie is the love story between Lucy and Mercy, not the least because of the amazing chemistry between Ellen Page and Kate Mara. The rest of the story falls horribly flat. I didn't buy into the anti or pro-death penalty angle, I was unmoved by the constant references to the executions that mark the various scenes. I also had no feeling about the other plot, the execution of Lucy, Martha, and Ben's father Simon.I have a feeling most of this movie was left on the cutting room floor.

This movie was predictable.They could have put Ellen and Kate into any scenario and it would have worked. All in all, I can't deny the fact that Ellen and Kate are amazing actresses. Their love story is the only thing that was good in this movie. For that alone its worth watching at least once.
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Glee (2009–2015)
Worth watching for the most part.
25 August 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Needless to say, as a 30 something male I'm not in the demographics that the producers and showrunners aimed for.

Let me first start by saying that I gave this show 8 stars, while it was well written and well-acted it left a lot to be desired. First, racism. Yes, I said it, racism. Glee starts with what might have been a comment left unnoticed by fans but is filled with racist overtones. In season one the Glee club is tired of Rachel Berry (played by Lea Michele) who is Jewish and they encourage her to "Go back to Israel." Other instances of racism include one of the most overlooked forms of racism in the US, Asians. Throughout the show comments are made about the two Asian characters on the show (Tina and Mike) and they all seem to be fun in spirit but, as with all Asian racist jokes in this country, they are severely racist.

The second reason for why I gave this show an 8-star rating can hardly be the fault of the casting choices at the outset but certainly bear on the overall show. Mark Salling, who plays Noah Puckerman, was arrested, charged, and convicted of possession of child pornography shortly after the show went off the air. And of course, Cory Monteith died from a heroin overdose in 2013.

So let's get down to the show itself. As with most people, I agree that the first couple of seasons are better than the last few. The jokes are fresh, the songs are eclectic, and the acting is good. But after the original cast of Glee members leave for college, the show suffers like any other show of high schoolers. In many cases shows like this make the mistake of carrying on with the same group of actors into their "college" years. Others simply replace the "graduated" actors for a crop of new talent. Glee does both. High School shows belong in high school. Rarely do they work once the students have graduated and moved on. The teenage, high school mentality doesn't hold on as well in college and the attempt to make the dialogue and plot more complex alienates fans who came to the show for what it was. Bringing in a new crop of talent has its pitfalls, beloved characters are written off and fans are forced to grow accustomed to new faces and talents. Glee would probably have been better off ending after season 3.

The writing on this show became lazy after season 3. The character of Tina who at first was fun and interesting became a caricature of herself. The separate casts, one in New York and the other in Lima felt disjointed. New cast members including Melissa Benoist, Blake Jenner, Vanessa Lengies, Alex Newell, et al. were poorly written and not given their own space to develop since main characters Blaine, Tina, Brittany S. Pierce, and Artie remained on the show as they weren't members of the graduating class of 2012. Cory Monteith, who was at this point using heroin pretty heavily became a fraction of himself.

Finally, in seasons 4 and 5 the show went away from classics and mainstream pop which made the musical seasons hard to watch.

Had this show gone only 3 seasons it would have been a perfect 10, but one cannot overlook how poorly made seasons 4-6 were.
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Blue State (2007)
A decent movie but an even better civics lesson
5 August 2019
It's great to say "I'm moving to Canada if so and so wins." But a true patriot stays and fights for what they believe in even when they are faced with adversity.
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Worth the one and a half hours.
28 July 2019
A simple message packed into a well meaning movie.
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2 April 2019
In the world of aliens invade Earth movies, this one doesn't take itself seriously and is better for it.
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2 April 2019
Ok so this isn't the best movie, and Yahoo Serious won't win any awards for Young Einstein or any other film. But this film has a cheesy quality that makes it endearing.
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Soul Kitchen (2009)
A little bit of Kitchen and a whole lot of Soul
13 July 2018
It is has been said that Fatih Akin is known for dark, serious movies and that Soul Kitchen is anomaly. That simply isn't true, Akin has made comedies and all of his movies, even though rather dark, have comedic overtures.

But be that as it may, this movie has all of Akin's main collaborators including his brother Cem, Moritz Bleibtreu, Adam Bousdoukos, and Birol Unel. The special features, "Making of" explain that Soul Kitchen was in the works for several years and then Gegen die Wand was released. Gegen die Wand went on to be a major award winning film for Akin and he felt the pressure of having to repeat his success.

Soul Kitchen is a more personal story, Adam Bousdoukos owned a Greek (he's Greek-German) restaurant and Fatih worked with him in working on the script. So many of the things that happen in the film are based on Fatih or Adam's experiences. This movie has a serious yet juvenile tone, something that his earlier comedy, "Im Juli" doesn't necessarily have. Soul Kitchen comes the closest to what we Americans would identify with in a comedy.

Akin is known for giving very little direction to his actors and actresses, so what you see in Soul Kitchen is often a mix of acting and real life. And since many of the same people appear in multiple Akin films, most of them are familiar with one another and with Akin.

The acting in this movie is on par. Adam Bousdoukos is a strong comedic lead that helps bring life to this movie. Moritz Bleibtreu is great as Adam's brother; his range is amazing from Das Experiment, Lola Rennt, Im Juli, and Soul Kitchen to name a few. Then you have Birol Unel, who is magic as the eccentric master chef who brings new life to Soul Kitchen.
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Head-On (2004)
A Must See Movie
13 July 2018
I first encountered Fatih Akin in college. I was taking a class on German Film on my way to a concentration in German. Akin is easily one of my favorite filmmakers and Gegen die Wand is a major reason why.

The story in Gegen die Wand is engaging, serious, funny, dramatic, and everything else you would expect from such a great movie. Don't be fooled, Gegen die Wand is intense as well covering such subjects as honor killings, immigration, cultural assimilation, drug abuse, and murder.

Sibel and Birol bring their characters of Sibel and Cahit to life. In a epic first film, Sibel Kekilli shows herself to be a force to be reckoned with. While Birol Unel shows why he is one of Germany's best actors. Meanwhile, Fatih Akin demonstrates his amazing filmmaking abilities in a film that is personal.
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Beyond Honor (2004)
A Must See with Flaws
5 September 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I came across this film through my Amazon Fire TV. The narrative is compelling, though not entirely original except for a couple plot points, the acting is believable. You become engrossed in the characters and their struggles over religion, family and acceptance. The main character, Sahira, is a medical student from a mixed race, devout Muslim family. In keeping with the fact the story takes place in the US, Sahira is given the freedom to go to college and eventually medical school though she is held to strict Muslim rules regarding women. Her struggle to be a "normal" American girl and a "normal" "dutiful" Muslim daughter provide the main struggle for the film. Perhaps my biggest issue with the film is the fact it feels disjointed. Surely the last half of the film is more compelling and certain believable, but it doesn't feel as though it connects with the first half. The father becomes even more controlling, more abusive, the brother goes from being an incestuous perverted unable to live up to his father's impossible standards to becoming a bigger tyrant than the father almost over night. The mother goes from a strong, albeit submissive woman to becoming a meek submissive woman. This is definitely a must watch but I wish they had left the majority of the film in the film rather than on the editing room floor. A less brutal option than Beyond Honor is a German film, When We Leave that focuses on a traditional Turkish Muslim family.
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Almost Breaks through the glass ceiling
5 September 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Like so many of the films I watch these days, I came across this gem on my Amazon Fire TV. Let me say from the outset that this film is excellent. It challenges us to accept the most difficult of questions, can someone convicted of sexually assaulting a minor be redeemable as a person. The average American would most assuredly answer in the negative, as would most convicted men and women in prison who often treat these people as the lowest of the low. It also attacks, though indirectly, a second question: can children lie? This, of course, is question that is often left unanswered due to the problems it would create.

That being said, this movie does a great job of showcasing life after prison for a convicted sex offender. The characters are well thought out, their reactions are stereotypical to the reactions most of us would have. The quality of acting is superb and each actor brings their character to life in a very real way. But as is the case with most films covering a controversial topic in American film, the editors often choose a quick, no mess ending rather than playing the film out in its most realistic format. Why not spend more time attacking our perceptions of sex offenders? Instead of having that moment where offender and victim finally come together, why is it that only the victim accepts that she wasn't a victim, but a willing participant? Why does the offender not further attack the position that the victim and her dad lied about what was happening? More importantly, the relationship the offender has with a coworker feels forced, inorganic. They quickly fall in love, she finds out he is a sex offender and has the stereotypical response but in the end she comes to his rescue and the flee the city together. I would rather watch a 2 to 2 1/2 hour film that attempts to answer these questions, as I would imagine the original script did, rather than the editor's version that strives for the typical American film happy ending. For the first half of the movie, I give it a 10, but for the second half I give it a 3 and I believe the strength of the first half, the characters and the acting it the whole film deserves an 8.
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Head-On (2004)
A great movie about what it means to live, and what freedom really means..
3 May 2006
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is by far one of the best movies I have ever seen. Gegen die Wand takes you through the lives of two individuals living in Germany. Both are of Turkish decent but have arrived at their place in life by different means. Cahit is a older man, probably in his thirties, that has lost all reason to live. His wife has died and he picks up trash at a night club owned by a friend. He crashes his car and must visit a psychologist where he meets Sibel. Sibel is a twenty something woman who lives under what she sees as an oppressive father. She seeks to wed Cahit in order to truly "live". From there the movie shows the audience how Sibel and Cahit come to grips with their lives and understand the proper way of living. This movie holds nothing back. This movie makes anything Hollywood produce look like a child's movie.
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