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Mostly straightforward and entertaining thriller
22 April 2011
Jeff Bridges is a professor in Northern Virginia who begins to suspect that his new neighbors(Tim Robbins and Joan Cusack) could be terrorists. He begins to obsess over this as it seems to take over his entire life.

Bridges is as good as ever here, as is Tim Robbins. The suspense never lets up and the film never becomes confusing or boring.

The only part of this film that I didn't like much was the ending, which seemed like it was added on without much thought of whether it made sense.

Overall, a good thriller that most viewers should enjoy for the most part.
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Agnes of God (1985)
Fairly good psychological drama
2 January 2011
In one of her best performances, Jane Fonda plays a psychiatrist who is assigned to deal with a case involving a naive young nun(played by Meg Tilly) who allegedly gave birth to a baby and murdered it in the convent.

While slow and gimmicky at times, the acting and story are enough to keep the film worth watching.

Anne Bancroft also gives a very good performance as the Mother Superior at the convent who is highly skeptical of Fonda's character and profession.

Generally worthwhile.
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Mr. Baseball (1992)
Forgettable film
22 August 2010
This film is a different twist on the baseball comedy genre. Here, MLB player Tom Selleck is traded to a Japanese team. Predictably, there is culture clashes as the Japanese do things much different than the way its done in America. As always, there is also a love interest for Selleck in a Japanese commercial agent.

Corny jokes and generally predictable situations make this film a forgettable one. The one bright spot here is the accurate portrayal of the Japanese culture.

Unless you for some reason really love Tom Selleck and his style of humor or the game of baseball(which I do not), skip this film.
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The Survivors (1983)
Has some funny parts, but never really comes together
18 July 2010
Warning: Spoilers
When I first heard of a movie starring both Walter Matthau and Robin Williams, I thought "I have got to see this movie" since I think both men are very funny. Unfortunately, one plus one doesn't exactly equal two in this case.

Robin Williams and Walter Matthau are two men who get let go from their jobs due to a poor economy. Williams then decides that society is simply falling apart beyond repair and joins a reclusive militant society in snowy Vermont. Matthau gets dragged into Williams' life by something of a side plot regarding Jerry Reed, who robs a diner when Williams and Matthau are both there and Matthau sees Reed's face, leading Reed to chase after the men.

There are some funny moments and the film is certainly quite watchable, but the plot is too unfocused and fragmented.
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Good film with par acting
15 May 2010
This is one of the few films there are about being a property landlord(the other is 2003's "Duplex"). A young and naive couple(Modine and Griffith) are convinced to move into a building that they cannot afford and decide to rent out some rooms to help pay the mortgage. Predictibly, their perfect plan is destroyed by a seemingly respectable tenant(played well in a rare villain role by Michael Keaton) who ends up driving away other tenants and putting a strain on the couple's relationship with his increasingly erratic behavior.

The film is suspenseful right up until the last minute, but there were some problems. First, Modine's anger at the situation and Keaton seemed to escalate way too quickly. He simply flew off the handle at which could have been honest, simple mistakes on Keaton's part such as day or so late with the first rent payment. It may have been more effective if the tension built more slowly.

Overall, a pretty good film with good suspense and fairly good acting.
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Quite possibly the best animated film I have ever seen
13 May 2010
I finally got around to watching this classic tale about a group of rabbits who are convinced to leave their home after one of their friends has a bloody vision of danger that is about to come their way.

This is a not a cutesy, Disney-style animation that sugarcoats the scary nature of the story. This is an often quite violent and sometimes disturbing film that comes right out and shows what might actually happen to these rabbits in real life. It is a film about survival and doing the right things to help friends survive.

I would not recommend letting young children view this film without strong supervision. There are some very scary images here that would probably give many children nightmares.

I would recommend this film to anybody except for those who for some reason hate animated films, but even many of them would likely find something to like about this one.
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Falling Down (1993)
Fantastic film, one of the best of 1993
1 March 2010
The early 1990's were a period of intense anger and frustration in America. The recession of 1990 and 1991 and the defense cutbacks that occurred around the same time cost many in the defense industry their jobs and contributed to a rise in crime and poverty. Michael Douglas plays a character directly affected by this situation.

You can clearly identify with this character. He is simply frustrated and cannot take any more of it. It almost verges on being comical how soon the character goes over the edge. There is one seen where he pulls out a machine gun in a fast food restaurant because they stopped serving breakfast at 10:30 rather than 11:00 as he thought.

At times, you actually root for this character as he fights off gangsters and neo-Nazi's.

This is a must see film and probably Michael Douglas' best performance to date.
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Hilarious comedy for those who enjoy random humor
22 February 2010
I am somebody who just loves random humor. I love shows like "Family Guy" and all of the random gags involved. Not surprisingly, this film was right up my alley. It is a terrific tribute/satire of network news in the 1970's, with Will Farrell as the swinging and somewhat childlike lead anchor chasing after the new female co-anchor Christina Applegate.

In this movie, the news crew can be seen randomly bursting into song in the middle of the workday for no apparent reason and getting into massive brawls in the streets of San Diego with other competing news network crews, with hilarious cameos by actors like Vince Vaughn, Tim Robbins, Luke Wilson, and Ben Stiller as the competing anchors.

Anybody who enjoys plain old random humor like me will absolutely find this film hilarious. In my opinion, this film is the best comedy of the last decade
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Stir Crazy (1980)
Many hilarious scenes
2 January 2010
This is actually my favorite of the four Wilder/Pryor team ups. In the second of these match ups, Wilder and Pryor play a struggling playwright and actor in New York City. The two finally decide that they are sick and tired of just sitting around with their lives and careers going nowhere(we have seen this plot probably 100 times). They decide to take off in an a rickety old van across country to try and find some work and eventually end up in California.

On the way to California, the two men get framed for a bank robbery at one of the banks they took an odd job at and end up in prison. This is where the real fun starts. Gene Wilder is especially hilarious as the more naive of the two who gets duped into competing in the prison rodeos.

If the film did not run out of steam in the final act, I would probably rate this a nine. Still, there are some hilarious scenes here, including one where Wilder and Pryor try to look "bad" when entering the prison.
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Generally entertaining film
2 January 2010
In this black comedy by director Jonathan Demme(Silence Of The Lambs, Philadelphia), Jeff Daniels plays a Long Island, New York yuppie who ends up getting picked up and taken on a joy ride by free spirit Melanie Griffith. Daniels is shocked and uncomfortable at first and just simply wants to get back home, but after a while, Griffith begins to grow on him. We later find out that both of these characters have a lot of things in their background that they have not told each other about.

This is a generally entertaining film with generally good performances. My only problem here is with Melanie Griffith. She is simply not an attractive screen presence and although she tries her best, it is very difficult to see why Daniels' character ends up taking a liking to her character. I think another actress could have pulled this off better. Ray Liotta is fantastic as Griffith's escaped convict ex-husband.

This film is certainly not for all tastes, but many viewers will likely enjoy the ride that this film provides.
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Solid acting and entertainment
16 December 2009
This Stephen King inspired drama/thriller stars Kathy Bates as an abrasive Maine housemaid who is accused of murdering her elderly boss. Jennifer Jason Leigh plays her daughter who travels home from New York City when she learns the news that her mother is once again in trouble.

Tensions between Leigh's and Bates' characters mount as Leigh believes that Bates killed her father years ago. There are many very compelling flashbacks that show how Bates' character was battered and demeaned daily by her husband(who is played very well by David Strathirn). This causes us to not help but feel bad for the Bates character and sympathize with her many problems.

This is a good film with fine performances by all involved. For those that enjoyed the other Stephen King based film starring Kathy Bates, "Misery", then those viewers should enjoy this film.
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Perfectly captures post-WW2 sentiment
13 October 2009
This is one of the best films that take place during that key period just after the conclusion of World War 2. It was a period of unbridled optimism about the future of the United States and a time where almost anything seemed possible.

The film tells the true story about Preston Tucker(played by Jeff Bridges) and his attempt to create the perfect car for the future, the "Tucker". This car would have everything in it from a rear engine to fuel injection. However, as he gets started building the cars, he realizes that his goal may have been an unrealistic dream as the big three automakers use their power and political influence to try and block him from creating something that would compete with them. The Tucker character is one you cant help but cheer for as he never gives up on his dream.

The 1940's feeling of the film is perfectly captured by a zippy score by Joe Jackson and Joan Allen perfectly plays Tucker's supportive wife who stands by him every step of the way.

This is a terrific film about a man who never gives up.
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Bad Boys (1983)
One of Penn's best films
20 September 2009
This is a fantastic crime drama/thriller about a troubled teen(Penn) who accidentally kills a young boy during a bungled drug heist. He is sent to a maximum security juvenile correctional facility and is thrown in with some of the meanest, most violent young criminals. Meanwhile, the older brother of the young boy that he accidentally killed is out for revenge and tries to get back at him through his girlfriend(Ally Sheedy) outside of prison.

Many of the horrific images in this film will stay with you for a long time. There is a constant sense of fear and danger that lingers throughout the film and is highlighted by a terrific score by Bill Conti(Rocky, The Karate Kid). Penn gives one of his best performances here. A must see film.
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A pretty good sequel
21 May 2009
This film is the sequel to the huge 1984 hit, "The Karate Kid". The film starts almost exactly where the first film abruptly ended, with Daniel(played by Ralph Macchio) winning the karate championship under the coaching of Mr. Miyagi(played by Pat Morita). Mr. Miyagi soon learns that his father is dying back in Japan and he goes there to see him one last time and Daniel decides to come along. Miyagi and Daniel run into an old nemesis of Miyagi and Daniel is repeatedly tormented by the nemesis' nephew. Daniel also finds a new love in the daughter of Mr. Miyagi's old lover.

This is a generally simple film with a fine backdrop of the streets of Okinawa. Those who enjoyed the original "Karate Kid" should generally enjoy this predictable, but entertaining sequel. Another plus in the film is the playing of Peter Cetera's song "Glory of Love" in a cute scene involving Daniel and his new love and also in the end credits of the film. It is worth watching.
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Blind Date (1987)
Generally harmless comedy
19 March 2009
Bruce Willis plays a young accountant who needs a date to go with him to a big business dinner involving a wealthy Japanese businessman in this slapstick heavy romantic comedy. Willis' brother, played by Phil Hartman, hooks him up with Kim Basinger, who looks like perfect woman. The only problem is that whenever she has a drink, she goes crazy. Of course, Willis gives her a drink and she completely wrecks the business dinner.

The problem that this film has is that there is nothing really compelling to compliment the slapstick comedy. There is really no reason why Willis' character would stay with Basinger after everything she did to ruin his career other than to set up for later slapstick gags. That said, there are some very funny scenes in this film. Any scene that involves John Larroquette as Basinger's jealous ex-boyfriend is a scream. There are enough laughs and fun here to make this film worthwhile, but just don't expect anything very memorable.
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Very compelling drama
18 March 2009
Harrison Ford plays a character much different than any other he has played in this highly entertaining and well acted film. Ford's character is Allie Fox, a highly eccentric inventor who decides to pack up his family and move to the South American jungle called "Mosquito Coast". The reason why he wants to get out of the United States is because he is fed up with a culture where people "eat when they are not hungry and buy things that they don't need" and does not want his family to continue to live in that type of society. Once he and his family get to the Mosquito Coast, slowly but surely, Fox watches his master plans fall apart.

Although, it does go a little overboard towards the end, this is still a highly compelling film about how good intentions can end up going horribly wrong. Ford gives what is one of his best performances as does the young River Phoenix is his adolescent son. The score by Maurice Jarre is perfect and Paul Schrader's screenplay is crisp. Look quickly for a young Jason Alexander(George from Seinfeld) as the hardware clerk in an early scene.
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Club Paradise (1986)
Robin Williams visits SCTV and then swings by SNL
14 March 2009
This movie must have been a hell of a lot of fun to be working on the set of. You get a beautiful tropical setting and a cast full of very funny, talented actors and comedians. You get Robin Williams working with nearly the entire cast of SCTV and a few fun SNL faces(Mary Gross, Robin Duke, and Brian Doyle-Murray) and veteran Peter O'Toole thrown in for good measure, all under the direction of another SCTV veteran, Harold Ramis. It is a lot of fun seeing these people work together.

Unfortunately, the film lacks in everything else. There is almost no plot and what there is of a plot consists of going on vacation and then being there, and thats it. The diolouge could have been written by anybody and the characters are not exactly thrilling. Had this film not included such great comic actors, this film would have been an absolute disaster. I cannot recommend this film, but the cast does make it watchable, if it isn't worth watching.
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Yes, It Is That Bad.
20 February 2009
There are very few movies I've seen which have actually been physically painful to watch. This is one of them. Bill Cosby plays a secret agent brought out of retirement to save the world from an evil villainess who plans to take over by unleashing trained animals of almost every type, including fish and lobsters.

From the minute this movie started, you could tell this would be the worst movie you've ever seen. There is a good 20 minutes of this film wasted on Cosby getting ready for a date, exercising, showing in Perrier and picking out ties in anticipation for the date, which had absolutely nothing to do with the plot and didn't even work as humor. There is another scene where Cosby is shocked that his daughter is dating a 66 year old man? What does Cosby do? He asks his daughter to get him a coke and proceeds to hold it in front of the camera conspicuously, making sure that the audience knows that he is drinking "Coke". Simply pathetic.

I feel real sorry for that ostrich who unwillingly had to show his face in this atrocious film. There is nothing of any redeeming value in this steaming pile of pony loaf. Except when the guy's head exploded. That was funny!
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After Hours (I) (1985)
Wonderfully offbeat film
14 February 2009
This is one of those films that takes a little while to seem to be about anything, but once it gets going, it really takes you in with it. Griffin Dunne plays a young and mild-mannered New York City professional who is brought into a hellish nightmare in Soho when he loses his cab fare and his thrown out of the cab. As he tries to find the money to take the subway home, he meets several interesting and sometimes very strange people.

Dunne's character seems to be the only normal person in this film and that is one of the reasons why it works so well. This poor guy just wants to get home, but problem after problem pops up and destroys his plans. This is really a terrific story about a normal person thrown into weird and crazy situations. The classical music that plays throughout is a wonderful touch as well. However, one of my favorite parts of this film was the cast. I loved Catherine O'Hara as the paranoid vigilante who drove the ice cream truck chasing after Dunne. Cheech and Chong were a nice comic addition as well.
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One of the greatest comedies ever made
13 February 2009
This is a film where I watched it and thought of how brilliant the writers had to be to create two such stupid characters. This film stars Jim Carrey and Jeff Daniels as two lower class buddies from Rhode Island who just cannot seem to get anything right. One day, Jim Carrey's character meets a beautiful woman(Lauren Holley) while driving her to the airport(he is a chauffeur). Holley leaves a briefcase at the airport and Jim Carrey is determined to get it back to her. He convinces Jeff Daniels to travel with him to Aspen, Colorado, to bring the briefcase back to Holley.

What is terrific about this film is that unlike some other inferior buddy comedies, the two main characters are distinguishable from each other. Jim Carrey is the really "dumb" character, while Daniels plays the more practical "dumb" buddy and something of a straight character. The jokes and slapstick comedy in this film are second to none and what really allows this film to work is the fact that neither of these two guys have any idea how ridiculous their behavior is. This is truly a great comedy and has several real laugh out loud moments.
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Leviathan (1989)
Not one original moment in this film
7 February 2009
However, that is not to say that it isn't entertaining, because it is. The film is about a group of undersea miners who discover a Soviet wreck. The wreck contains a potion that of course, one of the crew members has to drink. The potion turns out to be a formula that turns people into reptile like monsters that will eventually spread their symptoms to everybody else on board.

We have seen this all before. The Thing, the Alien series, The Deep, etc all have one idea or another that were thrown into this film. You have got the creature that takes over people's bodies(Alien, The Thing), the blood supply being depleted by the creature(The Thing), the remainder of the crew trying to escape the ship in a limited amount of time before it self destructs(Alien), and the scene where all of the guys are sitting around eating, talking about sex and other things(Alien).

This movie could have been a lot better if they had thrown something original into it. Why not use more comic relief? That may have spiced up the film a bit. However, the film is not that bad and if you cannot find anymore decent sci-fi horror films to view, this one may just be up your alley.
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Scanners (1981)
One of the more original horror films
31 January 2009
This very graphic, but highly original mix of sci-fi and horror opens with social outcast with special telepathic powers wandering alone in a shopping mall. You get the immediate feeling that there is something wrong with this guy in that first scene and he is then picked up by a scientist, played by Patrick McGoohan, who sends him to infiltrate a group of other people with the same powers who are using them in dangerous ways, called "Scanners". This is not a typical horror film in the way that it is smart and original. Director David Cronenberg and composer Howard Shore help add to the film's atmosphere. However, some people will not enjoy the highly graphic scenes in which are quite disturbing when seen for the first time.
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Mask (1985)
A film that stays with you for a long time
24 January 2009
This film is a true story about a young California man born with a rare brain tumor that gives his a head a large and disfigured shape, played by Eric Stolz. He is raised by his biker mother, Cher and her friends that come and go. His mother desperately wants him to live a life like a normal teenager, insisting that he gets enrolled in public schools and such. We are taken through the young man's journey through life and the difficulties he faces with friends and girls, as well as his increasing frustrations with these difficulties. Cher gives one of her greatest performances here, as does Laura Dern as the blind girl that Stolz meets at a summer camp for the disabled. Truly a memorable and gripping film that will stay with you for many years.
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Funny Farm (1988)
An absolute riot
3 January 2009
This is the way a comedy should be. Simple, easy to follow, and with plenty of laughs. Chevy Chase is simply perfect as a New York City sportswriter that moves upstate to start a new writing career. You can only guess what happens next.

From the minute they arrive at their new home upstate, everything goes to hell. The house has no phone, the movers get lost, the dog runs away, and everyone that lives in the area is unbearable to be around.

Chevy Chase's deadpan humor is used here better than any other movie, save for Fletch and director George Roy Hill of such classic films like "The Sting" and "Butch Cassidy and The Sundance Kid" gives this film a much appreciated dose of Norman Rockwellian Americana.
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Leaves too weird of a taste in your mouth
2 January 2009
Have you ever tried a kind of food that your friend made, and then said to yourself, "wow, that was not a good mix"? Well, that is how I felt after watching this film.

Many viewers will be left highly uncomfortable with this weird mix of crime and very, very corny comedy. Its almost like watching Mr. Rogers play a ruthless gangster, very weird. Some things just don't mix and this film clearly proves that.

There are some very good performances here, as Dean Stockwell, Mercedes Ruhle, and Alec Baldwin are all excellent, but that doesn't make up for the lack of balance and symmetry in the film.

Jonathan Demme has done some excellent work in films such as Silence of the Lambs and Philadelphia, but seems to be out of his element with this one.
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