
3 Reviews
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Celebreality On VH1!
8 December 2006
Warning: Spoilers
This was a great special! It had many good moments that definitely deserved commentary from celebrities like Debbie Matenopolous and Mitzi Miller and it also had Mini-Me taking a leak (I remember his exact words:"Strange. This whole thing is strange.") and it had Janice Dickinson being called a "crack head" or a "coke head" or something like that and it also had a classic Hogan Knows Best moment and guess what the number 1 greatest Celebreality moment was? It was the spit incident from Flavor Of Love with New York and Pumkin (yes,I spelled it correctly). That was number one. Sorry if you've never seen it and sorry if I spoiled it for you,but if you have seen it,than,you know it. Overall,great special!
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The Soup (2004–2020)
Great Show!
7 November 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I love this show and I love the host and I love the segments! This show has many great elements to it. First of all,it has a great host (or M.C.):Mr.Joel McHale,who,week after week,pokes fun at pop culture and at reality shows. What he does exactly is he does a introduction (for example on America's Next Top Model,Tyra made everybody take off their clothes and play in the mud,I don't know why,I just know that it happened,here's the clip),and then he shows the clip (example of the clip:Whoo! This is a lot of fun in the mud,where white people can become black in seconds!),and finally,he comments on the clip (example:So,Trya,are you saying that you were once white? I can't believe it.) (NOTE:I'm sorry if I offended anyone with the above statement.) Anyways,that example above is the example of what Joel McHale does to reality shows,children's shows (yes,you heard me),talk shows (Talk Soup...get it?) and celebrity events. I've gotta tell you about the segments on the show. Yes,there are segments. Chat Stew is a great segment (with a great introduction,"So meaty!") in which Joel makes fun of talk shows (like The View,Oprah,Today,and he made fun of Tony Danza too,a LOT when he had his talk show last season). Reality Show Clip Time is another great segment where Joel makes fun of crazy clips from reality shows. There are just many overall great segments on The Soup. And,by the way,the segments are the second reason why The Soup is a great show. And,third,have to be the running gags,from a Whitney Houston line to Hamwinkies to the PT Cruiser Lady. Watch The Soup for these three great elements every Friday night at 10/9 Central on E!.
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A Good Family
26 March 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I loved this movie. It was so funny! Davy Jones and cameos from Florence Henderson (Carol Brady),Ann B.Davis (Alice Nelson),Christopher Knight (Peter Brady),and Barry Williams (Greg Brady). The only scene in which I found just disturbing (the scene where Cindy gets the Dittmeyers' mail and Mrs.Dittmeyer is drunk). I wish Sherwood Schwartz would of just deleted the scene. But,it was a big plot point for the movie. Anyways,that's the only complaint. RuPaul,Davy Jones (my second mention of him),and Shelley Long all in the same movie! I love that. I really do. Oh,gosh. Anyways,this movie just brought out the best in the Bradys. And,if you want to hear their story,listen to the theme song (copied brilliantly from the original,nothing wrong with that). I own this movie on video,and believe me,I am happy to. This is my favorite movie,mainly because The Brady Bunch is my favorite show (or one of them). Anyways,this movie was overall fun and good! And,better then the sequel! Yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!
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