
7 Reviews
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Maharaj (2024)
A must watch
26 June 2024
A very well written and directed. The actors have done justice to their characters. It does say it's based on true events, which does sound and look like. But , it is a lesson for a devotee from any religion. This movie, doesn't encourage one to be atheist, but encourages one to question things done by men in the name of God. I really liked the message it send across all the religions, traditions and cultures. The movie helps one think and question the things they do in the name of tradition, culture or religion. The songs were beautiful, however not required. The best part was, there was no dragging. Every scene had a message to share.
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Hierarchy (2024– )
Not worth the watch
14 June 2024
The title sounded like something interesting, but it was a scam. The story was very blant.

Lead female: very dull. Please feed her. SK you need to really work on your selections, your actresses are so lean , feed them something man. Same goes for the guys.

Male Characters: confused , not confused. If they haven't done anything, why are they not just saying it out. So much unnecessary misunderstanding..

Story : didn't make much sense, just felt like a drag. Too many errors too. Even the twist didn't feel like a twist...

The hera girl only had some Character to her rest were blant I felt....
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XO, Kitty (2023– )
Worst show ever, hate the story
10 July 2023
The actors tried their best to hold the show together, but this is a very bad script written and executed . Being a k drama fan, this has just messed up. Also you don't need to add LGB... to everything, just because. Nothing against lgbt, but this show didnt even need it. It was over flooding for no reason. Let kdrama be kdrama. Please don't destroy it . No one knows what they are doing and why they are doing what. How can the loving parents just let their kid go half way around the world, for a guy she met online, without even doing any background check. Loop hole starts from there and then goes down the drain from there.
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Such a beautiful movie
18 September 2020
A must watch. Its great to have a such a talent to focus on real issues.
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Well written, directed, produced , acted
2 August 2020
Yet again Nawaz, Radhika and the whole team have put a beautiful suspense together. Every frame was nicely weaven. A must watch.
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Warrior Nun (2020–2022)
Not worth watching
5 July 2020
For a girl just out of paralysis and death, i am not sure how the actor cant take her life seriously and owe it to whatever that gave her the freedom. Too slow. Had to drag through just to see the end. Also the end gave a good message,but not worth wasting so much time. Bad script. For the sister nuns who faught together, I am unable to understand how would they have no focus or patience. With so much of practice they should be good at team work and focus on the task, like for when lilth n Mary were trying to get Ava, there was constant drag of fights. And too much attention on Ava, I mean for God's sake just take the halo n give it to lilith or anyone. Story for Ava was too blant, too annoying.
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beautiful story
22 February 2019
This movie was really good. seeing life from a auto driver's point of view, and normal story in every house.The cast have made justice with their roles. Well written, well played. Must watch movie.
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